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"God, damn- it." The pale pink-haired boy heaves, giving up and slumping onto the floor, letting out a sob. "Everything I do is a failure." He mutters, sniffling and standing up. Doing his regular stretching as to not get pains the next day.

Mid stretch an airy, smooth voice cuts the silence in the practice room. The boy looks up, his hair falling over his eyes a little, showing the merest twinkle of light to the unidentified voice.

"Who are you?" Yoongi says, standing up and putting his hand on his hip, his shirt riding up ontop of the hand while he bends his sweatpant clothed leg.

A visible breath hitch is heard throughout the room, before the voice speaks again.

"I can help. With- with dancing." A boy emerges from the doorframe, his soft, brown hair illuminated by the lighting and his doe eyes creating a soft prescence. Yoongi watches curiously from the reflection of the mirror, wondering if the prescence this boy emits is the same when you look at him directly, so Yoongi swivels around, happily welcomed with what he had hoped.

"Why?" Yoongi asks, "What's your name?"

"I'm Jungkook Jeon, Jungkook or Kookie is fine." Jungkook laughs at what Yoongi presumes is a thought, "maybe Junglekook."

"Yoongi Min."

"Hey," Yoongi pauses for a moment, "Junglekook, but why would you want to help me?" Yoongi asks as Jungkook walks forward and removes Yoongi's hand from his hip and gesturing for Yoongi to stand straight and relaxed. "I don't know, show me whatcha' got." Jungkook merely says, walking to the other side of the room and sitting on the floor next to Yoongi's phone, pressing play.

"Down - Marian Hill. Let's see what you got, boy." Jungkook mutters to himself.

For the first part of the song, Yoongi's moves are smooth, almost seamless you could say, the beat drops and he starts to sharpen and shorten his movements.

Jungkook pauses the music, standing up.

"Control, don't get too excited, that excitment can be held for more dynamic moves. You have amazing potential, Yoongi." Jungkook sighs and sits back down, restarting the music and intently watches Yoongi perform his soul out.

By the end of the song, he's heaving and his breathing is erratic, more than normal for a dancer after a song.

Jungkook gets up and walks slowly towards the pink haired boy. "Hey, what's wrong?" Jungkook manages to say before Yoongi literally flops on the ground, passing out in the progress.

"The fuck am I supposed to do now?" Jungkook sighs as he picks the boy up and walks him to a corner, laying his back against the wall and bringing water to his lips. Yoongi absentmindedly drinks as he opens his eyes.

"Don't tell me it was nothing, I've seen too many dancers in this state, Yoongi Min. Tell me what's wrong." Jungkook immediatley fires his statement at Yoongi.

Yoongi sighs, taking the water bottle from Jungkooks hand and drinking a little bit of the water, putting it down and emitting a squeak like sound when a pain hits his body as he adjust himself.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, there's no need to tell me right now, just please let me help you."

"I just want to be perfect."

"Come on." Jungkook stands up, Yoongi takes his hand and gets pulled up.

"We, are going to get something to eat, and you, you're going to tell me what's going on." Jungkook states, swinging an arm over Yoongi as they walked to a pizza joint down the street.

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