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"We, are going to get something to eat, and you, you're going to tell me what's going on." Jungkook states, swinging an arm over Yoongi as they walked to a pizza joint down the street.

"So, you're telling me now." Jungkook says, taking off his coat to put it over the very cold boy as they walked back to the studio after Jungkook ate most of the pizza and Yoongi ate less than he wanted.

The cold air brushed along their faces. Yoongi sighed and shook the coat off, and tried to give it back to Jungkook. "Nah, you're cold." Jungkook replies to the gesture, Yoongi pouts while Jungkook adjusts the coat; mentally "aweing" in the process.

"You're still cold aren't you?" Jungkook asks, knowing that this boy being noticably underweight had to pay a part in him being this cold. Jungkook sighs yet again, putting an arm over Yoongi. Yoongi groans, obviously annoyed. Still, he huddles into the taller man as they walk back.

"Why are you doing this to yourself?"

"I- I just want to be better, my best, p-perfect." Yoongi mutters, rolling his eyes at the end of his sentence.

"As far as I can tell, you're a really cool person Yoongi. Like, literally and metaphorically." Jungkook replies, they both chuckle at the statement.

"I can't stop it, it's like, compulsive. I don't have OCD, in fact I'm no where near that and believe it or not I want to get better, I really do." Yoongi stops, hiccuping before a stray tear falls down his cheek.

"Yo, yo wait don't take your hands out of your pockets, I'll kill you." They stop walking and Jungkook wipes away the boys tear with a gentle hand and holds his cheek. Not necessarily leaning into the touch, because if you haven't noticed; they've literally just met, Yoongi nods quickly and starts walking faster.

"Dude wait, can I help?" Jungkook jogs to keep up with Yoongi. Yoongi shakes his head, continuing his pace.

"I just want to help." Jungkook keeps up with Yoongi's pace, breathing normally while Yoongi started to breathe a little weirdly.

"Hey! I don't know you! Okay? I just want to help you, because you seem like you deserve it." Jungkook yells at the boy, making Yoongi stop in his tracks and turn around. For the past ten minutes Yoongi had only muttered, now, it changed.

"Well? Why the fuck would you want to help me? I'm just a broken piece of worthless crap! C-Can't you s-see it Jungkook?" Yoongi's eyes start watering as he bends over to emphasize his words, ending up squatting down and sobbing.

"I-I'm worthless, man. I don't deserve this life, people expect s-so much of me, to b-be- be this fucking amazing dancer! God- I don't even have the perfect body- can't you see my fucking flaws, Jungkook!?" Yoongi looks up at Jungkook through his watery eyes.

Jungkook scoffs and looks down at the boy, rolling his eyes, his tongue clicking. Jungkook gestures for Yoongi to get up, which he shakily does, holding onto Jungkook's upper-arms for support while he fought for the dizziness not to take over.

"We- Yes. WE. Will help you get better." Jungkook says in a serious tone, holding the boys face in his hands. In a more intimite, softer voice he says, "it's okay, you're going to get better."

Yoongi nods, as Jungkook wipes his tears and fixes his hair. "Come on, let's get our stuff and I'll drive you to your home." Jungkook chuckles, putting his arm around Yoongi's waist.

Yoongi gasps at the contact, blushing and looking downward to hide his burning cheeks. Jungkook smirks, wondering how such a precious boy could be having this much trouble.

"Keep the coat, give it to me next time we see eachother." Jungkook says once Yoongi starts to take off his coat when Jungkook dropped him off.

"Got it." Yoongi gives a gummy smile to Jungkook. Not being able to resist the smile coming from the boy, Jungkook says exactly what he thinks.

"I'm sorry your smile fades away at the thought of yourself. Let me make you forget that and make you smile even more."

"Challenge accepted. Goodnight, Jungkook Jeon."

"Goodnight, Yoongi Min."

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