chapter 5

418 17 13

Ross POV

Ross slowly took his hands off Demelza's waist. He looked from her to Elizabeth, feeling the tension cloud the air. Elizabeth was tapping her racket on the ground, enjoying the awkwardness her interruption had made. Despite himself, he flushed, aware of people watching them.

Demelza got out a tennis ball and bounced it up and down, pretending nothing had happened. Great. That left him to deal with Elizabeth.

"Aren't you going to introduce us, Ross?" Elizabeth's tone was filled with sugar coated hostility. "I'd love to meet your latest side kick."

Demelza heard her and looked up, her eyes narrowing. "I am not a side kick."

"That's what they all say, honey. You're new, I don't expect you to understand."

Ross felt his stomach clench. He couldn't believe Elizabeth had the audacity to patronise someone she'd never even met. Who the hell did she think she was?

"Elizabeth, get off the court please. I don't remember you signing up for a trial session."

"Oh, but I just did," she responded, shaking out her light brown hair. "And I wouldn't miss the chance to introduce myself to...what's your name, sweetie?" she asked Demelza.

Demelza snatched up her racket and walked up to Elizabeth. "Don't 'sweetie' me," she hissed. "I don't know who you are, and I don't want to, but it's clear you're not exactly used to the concept of manners. Just grow up, why don't you?"

She marched past her and left the courts, followed a moment later by a boy with curly brown hair, presumably her brother or friend. It was clear Elizabeth was taken aback by Demelza's tone, and she was trying to cover it up by laughing it off. "Well, someone's got issues," she said.

"I don't think she's the one with issues, Elizabeth," Ross fired back. "Look, just leave her alone. Why do feel like you have to be involved in everything? What the hell is your problem?"

"My problem is that you were a dick to me, Ross. I'm just trying to protect her from you."

"Wow, I am so buying that. Protect her from me? What the fuck? She has her own mind, you know."

"Say what you want, Ross, but at the end of the day this is not my problem - it's yours. And until you apologise for what you did, I am not listening to you telling me what to do." She adjusted her hair and started walking away from him.

"Apologise for what?" Ross said angrily. "I haven't done anything!"

But she was already strolling across the court, ignoring him. "Right everyone! Your usual instructor isn't feeling too good today, so you'll have me instead. Isn't that right Ross?"

Ross looked around at the confused kids. How dare she? He could feel his blood boiling with frustration and he wanted to punch something...or someone. He fought to keep himself under control, swallowing hard. She isn't worth it.

He turned round to see Dwight approaching, dressed in full tennis kit. "Hey man, hit a few shots with me will you?" he smiled, twiddling his racket.

"I would but I've got to find Demelza - Elizabeth was a bitch," Ross said, giving him a pat on the back.

Dwight shrugged. "Okay. Drama."


Ross couldn't find her anywhere. She wasn't by the water fountain,she wasn't by the lockers and she wasn't in the games room. Assuming she had gone home, he picked up his sports bag and headed for the gates. He began walking down the pavement when he saw her leaning against the fence, talking to the lanky brown haired boy. Her long red hair tumbled past her shoulders, framing her angular features and pale white skin. The boy looked slightly younger than her, but not much, with an athletic physique and a kind, boyish face.

"I'll be fine, Drake, I promise," she was saying to him. "Go home and tell Dad that I stayed for extra practice or something. I just need a second."

"Are you sure you'll be okay?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

He nodded, swinging his bag over his shoulder and trudging down the road. Ross approached her cautiously.


She turned her head and glanced at him. "Hello Ross," she said tightly.

He stepped towards her, looking into her eyes. "I'm really sorry about Elizabeth, she -"

"Don't bother," she cut in, stepping back. "I understand. You and her had something and she doesn't want to let it go. I don't want to get in the middle of it."

"No, Demelza, there is nothing between Elizabeth and I, we used to be together but we broke up a while ago. I don't exactly know what she was trying to do back there, but there is no way I'm getting back together with her. Ever." He tried to sound convincing, but he knew he sounded like he was lying, even though he wasn't.

"Ross, she was jealous. It was written all over her face. She was obviously hurt to see you and me together, and I really don't want to be part of a relationship that is supposed to be over when it really isn't. Because that's what it looked like from where I was standing."

Ross was losing her, he could feel it, she was slipping through his fingers. "It's over, I promise! So I dated her for a while, so what? There is nothing between us anymore, nothing. Why do you care what she thinks?"

"I couldn't care less about what Elizabeth thinks!" she shot back. "I'm doing this for myself, Ross, I'm doing this so that I don't get hurt like I have done before."

"Who says you'll get hurt?"

"My instincts," she replied, turning away from him. "I'm going home."

He caught up with her and blocked her path. "Please, just give me a chance," his tone was calmer and firmer than before, his eyes locking with hers, forcing her to look at him. "I can't just let you walk away. Not yet."

She stood perfectly still and returned his gaze. He was struck again by how naturally beautiful she was, her high cheekbones and creamy skin blended perfectly with her red stained lips and thick, glossy hair.

"Please," he repeated. "I'm serious."

She looked down at the pavement and up again, searching his face for something. "Okay," she said softly. "I'll give you a chance."

He smiled, a real genuine smile. "Thank you." He placed his arms around her back and tried to kiss her forehead, but she pulled away.

"No thanks," she said. "You smell of sweat."

He put his arms up and sniffed his shirt. "What? No I don't."

"Yes you do. Come back when you've had a shower," she ordered, grinning at him as she started to walk away.

"If I do will you meet me after school tomorrow?" he called after her.

"Only if you smell nice," she shouted back.

He laughed and started walking in the opposite direction. He couldn't deny, he was really into her. A lot.

He was lost in his thoughts when he heard a voice call his name. "Ross? Did you hear me?" Verity was in front of him, looking urgent and worried.

"Verity? What's wrong?"

"Something's happened to Francis. You need to come. Now."

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