Chapter One

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Emily Prentiss, and Spencer Reid are engaged and are expecting a baby. Emily's father left her and her mother 26 years ago, what happens when he wants a part of her life again?

A/N: So, like I said before, I'm re-writing this story. I had a lot of people saying that they really liked the original, but when I re-read it I absolutely hated it :( so I hope you all enjoy the newer version of this story. I won't be updating this story often, but I'll try to update once or twice every two weeks :)


Disclaimer: I don't own Criminal Minds or the characters!

Father Prentiss: chapter one

Derek Morgan always told Spencer to never settle down. He said that his life would be 'boring' if he ever chose to dedicate himself to one woman. Spencer completely disagreed. He was in love with one woman, and one woman only. Emily Prentiss. And even better, she was in love with him too. In fact, their life together was anything but boring.
It all started seventeen months ago.
Seventeen months ago
'This can't be happening'
'Why is it always him?'
'Why did he have to get exposed to anthrax?'
Emily couldn't stop thinking these thoughts. They were whirling around her mind, eating away at any reasonable thought she had.
'Just go in there. It's just Reid.'

'But it's not just Reid is it? This is the guy you've had a crush on since you joined the BAU.'
She sucked in a breath and entered his hospital room, it was now or never.
Spencer was reading in his hospital room, when he heard someone enter the room, he saw Emily standing in the doorway.

'Keep calm Spencer, don't make her think you're a freak.'

"Hey" she said, sitting down in one of the visitor's chairs. She cleared her throat. "How are you?"

He smiled. "I'm okay." He said, setting down his book.

She looked at him straight in the eye. "I thought you'd died today." Her voice cracked slightly at the end. He could see tears slowly forming in her eyes.

"But I'm here. I'm okay Emily. Really I am."

She chuckled slightly. "Yeah I know but..." she paused. "I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't made it. I never would've been able to-" she stopped as a sob passed her lips.

He looked confused. "To what?"

She looked down at her hands as they were dancing around each other nervously. She shook her head.

"What is it Emily?"

She looked into his eyes. "I kept thinking how I never got the chance to do this."

And with that, she stood up from her seat, sat down on the edge of the hospital bed, and leaned forward and kissed him.

He was stunned at first. Not quite realising that this was actually happening. Emily Prentiss was kissing him. Then it clicked. Emily Prentiss was kissing him. He smiled and started kissing her back.

Now it was her turn to be stunned, the second his lips started moving, she swore her heart stopped. She felt him smile against her lips and she smiled back, kissing him with more passion than before. His hand came up to caress her cheek, while hers went up his arm, and stayed on his shoulder, keeping the both of them firmly in place.

They stayed embraced for a few minutes, both completely caught up in their own little world, before air became a necessary. They broke apart and stared into one another's eyes, foreheads leaning against each other. 

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