Chapter two

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Father Prentiss

Chapter two.

Disclaimer: I don't own Criminal Minds or the characters!


Not many words were spoken that afternoon. After their little talk, Emily didn't feel up to anything. She and Spencer stayed on the couch for a while before Emily decided to bite the bullet and read the letter.

"Spencer?" She whispered. She hated how her voice sounded, she felt weak and vulnerable.

Spencer looked down at her, and immediately saw the fear and uncertainty in her eyes.

He pulled her closer, so her legs were draped over his and she was leaning sideways into his chest, this was one of their favourite positions.

"Yeah Em." He said in a soft voice that almost instantly made her feel better.

"I think I'm ready to read the letter."

He looked at her shocked. "Em are you sure? You don't have to until you're sure you're ready. You don't have to read it today." He assured her.

She nodded into his chest. "I know but, I feel as if I need to. I need answers Spencer."

He sighed and ran his fingers through her hair.

"Okay. Do you want me here?" he asked.

She nodded and lifted her head from his chest. She turned towards the coffee table where the letter was sitting, waiting to be read.

She took and deep breath and leant forward to grab it. She sat back into Spencer's warm embrace, letter in hand. She sat there looking at the writing on the front for a while. His hand writing hadn't changed a bit.

Spencer sat forward and tucked a strand of hair that had fallen in front of her face behind her ear.

"You can do it. You're strong, I know you can do this." Spencer whispered into her ear.

She looked him in the eyes and studied him for a second, before closing the gap between them and giving him a light kiss on the lips.

"I love you, and thank you for being here." She whispered unsteadily once she'd pulled back. How did I get so lucky? She thought.

He smiled, returning her kiss.

"I love you too, there's no place I'd rather be."


Dear Emily,

It's dad. Yeah I know I don't really get the right to be called that by you anymore. I'm sorry for not being able to watch you grow up, to watch you celebrate your sixteenth birthday, to watch you graduate, to see you get a start in life. I don't know anything about you, whenever I think of you, I imagine my 11 year old little girl, the little girl who was obsessed with the colour purple and would sneak in ice cream before dinner with me. The little girl who loved to play dress up and wanted to be a veterinarian when she grew up. But then I remember that the little girl I imagine isn't so little anymore, she's a strong, confident adult who leads her own life. I don't know what job you have, are you married? Have kids? Or if you still like purple.

You probably always wondered why I left. And I want to tell you, not in a letter, but in person, whenever you're ready, because you deserve to know. But I can tell you a few things about me.

I got re-married four years after I left you and your mother, to a woman named Janine, and she's the love of my life. I have a 21 year old son called Ethan, and a 16 year old daughter called Grace. My wife knows about you, but my son and daughter don't, they don't know they have an older sister and I sometimes regret never telling them, but I didn't want them coming to find you before I did.

That's another question you're probably wondering. Why am I looking for you now? After 26 years, and I want to tell you face to face. If you never want to see me again, never want me to be a part of your life again, then don't feel you have to, because I don't deserve it.

But if you do? God I hope you do. My number and address are in the letter. Call me, we can arrange to meet and we'll talk. But only when you're ready.

All my love,

Dad x


When Emily had finished reading she had tears falling down her cheeks, her hand subconsciously rubbing her baby bump.

Spencer used the pads of his thumbs to wipe away her tears, and then used one of his hands to cup the side of her head, pulling her own to his chest, were she began to cry quietly.


A while later, Emily tears had subsided, but she was still tightly wrapped up in Spencer's embrace.

"What did the letter say?" He whispered.

She took her head off his shoulder, tears still rimmed the edges of her eyes, she sniffled and grabbed the letter off the side table and handed it to him. He took it off her and began to read. A minute later he took his eyes off the letter and looked down at his fiancé. He tightened his grip on her and put his hand over hers on her stomach.

"What do you want to do?" he whispered into her hair, after laying a kiss there.

She shrugged. "I don't know really. I mean, I want to know why he left, and I want to have a dad again but what if he leaves again. I don't think I could go through that pain again."

He rubbed their baby again before talking. "Do you want me to be honest?"

She nodded slightly. "Always."

"I think you should call him, I don't know when, but I think it should be soon. Meet him, talk to him, get the answers you want, and then decide. You'll have a better understanding then, and maybe then you'll know what you want."


Yeah so pretty short chapter, BUT I really enjoyed writing this so I will most likely update again tonight or tomorrow.

So do you think Emily will call her dad?


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