Chapter four

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Father Prentiss

Chapter four

Disclaimer: I don't own Criminal Minds or the characters.


The walk to the café was nerve wracking. A billion thoughts were rushing through her mind as she slowly approached the small corner place she and Spencer often ate breakfast.

Since it was a nice day, she chose to sit outside, so she pulled back a chair and sat down, waiting for Anthony to arrive.

After what felt like an eternity, she heard footsteps approaching her table and she looked up and into the eyes of none other the Anthony Prentiss.

He smiled. "Hello Emily."

"Hi Anthony." She said blandly.

She saw his face fall slightly at her choice of words and tone.

He sat down opposite her and the two sat staring at each other for a while. She shifted slightly in her chair, and that's when Anthony got a glance at her ever growing stomach. His eyes widened and his eyes snapped back up to hers in shock.

"You're pregnant?"

"Yes. I am." She said, never taking her eyes off his.

He looked stunned by her words. "Wow..." he trailed off.

"Look are we going to talk or not?" She asked impatiently. "Because if not, I'd like to be getting home."

He sighed. "What do you want to know?"

"Why you left, and why you never contacted me again should be a great start." She replied bitterly.

He leaned back in his chair. Not saying anything, before he broke the silence.

"Your mom and I weren't getting along anymore. We fell out of love. I couldn't stand the environment anymore, I wanted a fresh start, a new life. So I left. As for not contacting you... I wanted to, I really did. But I knew if I spoke to you, staying away would become so much harder. And I know now that what I did was selfish and a mistake. I don't regret leaving, but I regret not ever speaking to you again." He finished with tears in his eyes.

"Why now?" Emily asked, no longer able to fight back tears. "Why after 26 years do you finally try and find me?"

He cleared his throat and took in a sharp breath to stop the tears from falling at his daughter's voice. "My wife and I moved into a new house with the kids a few weeks ago. When we were cleaning out the attic in our old place, I found a box and inside was all the photos and home videos I had of you. And looked through it all and by the time I'd finished I made it the top of my priorities to find you when we set up the new house."

He looked at his daughters face and his chest ached knowing he was the reason she was in pain. All he wanted was to take that away, but he knew she still could say she didn't want to know him. A waitress came over and asked if they'd like to order.

"No thank you Sharron were just catching up." Emily told the woman, now known as Sharron politely.

"Okay Emily." Sharron turned her attention the older man. "What about you sir?"

He shook his head. "I'm alright, thanks."

Sharron nodded her head and left the duo to talk.

"Is there anything else you want to ask?" Anthony asked once the waitress was gone.

Emily shifted. "Ugh yeah. What are your wife and other kids like?"
Anthony smiled. "Would you like to meet them?" He quickly realized his mistake. "If you want to know me still."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2017 ⏰

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