Chapter Two: "Mommy Dearest"

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* Robyn *

              "Aha! Yes girl! I know I was wrong for breaking Gwen and George up but he would come over here and put it down. I had no plans on telling Gwen that her man was cheatin' with me but I wasn't going to stop seeing him, hell he pursued me and he knew that his wife and I were good friends. Hell no I didn't feel guilty."

             "Robyn, now you know you was wrong for doing that to Gwen! You know she has problems with being insecure and for one of her best-friends to do that to her?" Said Ester, one of Robyn's friends.

            "You know what Ester, your right, your right I should have not let it go as far as it did. I'll give it a few days and then I'll go and apologize to her. I can at least give her that." 

             "Thank you, now that's the Robyn I know."

          The two ladies just sat in the living-room talking about any and everybody and there business. Just then, La'Relle walked in.

            "Hello Ms. Ester, hey Ma." spoke La'Relle going into her mother's kitchen for a quick snack.

         "Hey La'Relle." said Ester. Hi sweet-hart, shouldn't you be at work"? her mother asked.La'Relle just looked at her.

           "Ma I took the day off from work. I'm very tired. I didn't get up until 1 this afternoon, I need some rest." said La'Relle sitting down on the love seat across from her mother.

            "Now La'Relle you know you can't afford to miss a day of work. You scrap the bottom of the barrel now and-"


            "La'Relle Jeanette Hayes! You will NOT raise your voice at me in my own house! You must have lost yo' damn mind!" said Robyn, La'Relle's mother.

           "Well I would be okay if you weren't always on my case! La'Relle you can't miss work, La'Relle you need a new car, La'Relle you need a man, blah blah blah! Just because I'm not a whore like you don't mean that I'm under your ass!" 

            Robyn's face went blank at what La'Relle had just said to her. She stood up and went ran to her bedroom shutting the door with a thud. Now La'Relle felt bad. She felt her mother had always seemed to bring it upon herself when La'Relle would have to put her in her place.

            "Now look La'Relle, that was uncalled for and you know it! You should have not called your mother a whore. Saying that to her does not bring back good memories for her at all so next time, choose your words more carefully." said Ester.

             "What do you mean by bringing up old memories? Memories like what?" question La'Relle. " It's not my place to tell you anything like it. you would have to hear it from your mother but just know that she says all those things because she loves you." said Ester bringing La'Relle into a hug. :a'Relle refused the hug pushing the older woman away.

         "Well I don't care! She's always made me feel beneath her! She critiques what I do, how I work, how I live. Just because I'm 26 years old does not mean that I need to have a man in my life. When that time is right, then I'll find someone but for right now, I need to just be by myself. No one compares to Matt Ester." said La'Relle sitting down on the love seat once more.

          "Oh honey, that happened over three years ago. Maybe God didn't want you to marry Matt, maybe he had someone better in store for you besides Matt. He wouldn't be able to rest peacefully if he knew that you were here on Earth miserable now would he?" La'Relle shook her head no.

          "Alright then. Now what you need to do is go upstairs and hug your mother and tell her that you are sorry and didn't mean it. Then you need to call up one of your lil' girlfriends and ya'll go out and paint the town red tonight." 

          "No I am not going out tonight. I am not into the whole bar, club party life and you know that." said La'Relle rolling her eyes.

         "For all you know, your Mr. Right could be right out there but you wouldn't know because your to busy sulking in the dust and in the past. Now get your ass up and move the hell on! I'm sorry to break it to you La'Relle but Matt ain't coming back! Now stop this non-sense and move!" shouted Ester.

            La'Relle had had enough of this and stormed out of the house but not before yelling. "Just stay off my damn back, you and my mother! Tell her I'll call her later!" and with that, La'Relle slammed the door leaving Ester in the living-room by herself.

           She went into Robyn's room to find her laying on her bed.

         "You okay Robyn?" asked Ester closing the door and locking it. "Yes I'm fine Ester, just didn't like the flashbacks that came flooding into my mind when she called me a whore. I have been called that to many times in my life and I vow NEVER to go back! I don't know what I would do if I lost La'Relle, she's my only child, I can't have her hate me." said Robyn beginning to cry again.

          "Look okay, you need to tell that girl what happened to you."

         "No no I can't, I won't tell her!" said Robyn. "Robyn, she's a grown woman who still does not understand her mother, You need to grow up and tell her, then that's when she'll be able to see why you act the way you do on certain things and why you have certain ways." said Ester. Robyn looked at her.

            "Yeah, yeah I guess your right Ester, I do need to stop living in the past and focus on my future. Soon I will tell her." said Robyn. 

       "Okay now can we do something else now, I'm tired of just sitting here. Tell you what, I'll be back in an hour and when I come back, you better have on something sexy because you and I are going out tonight!" said Ester getting up and leaving the room before Robyn had anything negative to say.

         What could she say though? Ester had been her best-friend, more like a sister since back in the day. There bond was strong and could only get strong. Robyn was in for a wild fun-filled kind of night tonight.


Thank you all that have followed & are following me.

I hope you enjoy this story as much as I am writing it. :)

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