Chapter 4

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I'm awaken by bright sunlight shining in my eyes. I begin to sit up when I'm pushed back down. Not forcefully. Gently.

"Taylor?" I try to talk normal but it comes out as a whisper with a whimper at the end.

He doesn't respond. I sit up again. This time no ones pushing me back down. I look around the room and notice I'm in the hospital.

Taylor is sleeping in the corner of the room on the couch.

"Nurse?" I need to know what happened.

"Yes Mrs. Sheffer?" Why do nurses always sound so polite when most of them are actually rude?

"What happened?"

"Mr. Caniff brought you here after you blacked out for the second time. He was right to bring you here instead of the school nurse."

"Why? What's wrong?" She's scaring me now. Am I going to die? Do I have cancer? What's wrong with me?

"Mrs. Sheffer, you have a severe kidney infection. We need to remove your kidney before it spreads to your other kidney or even to your bloodstream." When she said that my mouth dropped.

"Awh Mr. Caniff. She's awake now."

"Thank you!"

After the nurse left the room, Taylor came and sat on the bed with me.

"How you feelin'?"

"Could be better. Owwwww." My head still hurts.

"Ryan what's wrong?!?" Uh oh not the worry again!

"Nothing I just have a headache."

"Ryan I need to talk to you!" I bite my lip then reply.


Whenever I'm nervous I bite my lip. Depending on how nervous I am, my lip will bleed.

"The day I met you I fell for you. Ryan you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I know I've only known you for a month or so but Ryan. Will you be my girlfriend?" I can't believe Taylor liked me. I always thought he was too good for me.

"Yes Taylor I'd love to be your girlfriend. But-"

"Wooooohh!" Taylor interrupted before I could finish. Looks like he's happy.

"Wait "But" what?' He finally realized what I was saying after he calmed down.

"What if I'm dying? I have a kidney infection and they have to find a donor before the infection spreads."

"I'll do it!"

"Taylor no!"

"Yes, I'm doing it for you."

"Taylor no. I swear to god if you do it, I'm going to be mad!"

"Fine then let me find a donor. I know the perfect person."


Soooo I ended up being busy yesterday sorry!


Do you think she'll die? Who do you think the donor is?

Bye lovelies <3

Broken (Taylor Caniff and Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now