Chapter 10

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I'm scrolling through twitter when there's a knock at the door.

"Hey. What's wrong?"
"Cameron come in babe."
"Okay. Something you need to talk about?"
"Yes. You're both my boyfriend and my best friend. And as my best friend I need to talk to you."
"Okay. So what's wrong?"
"I sort of miss Taylor a lot, Cam. But I love you so much also! I don't know what to do."
"Do what your heart tells you. Follow it. Even if you don't choose me I'll always love you!"
"And I'll always love you. But we need to take a break so I can figure things out."
"Ok I love you Ryan."
"I love you too Cam. Goodbye."

I kiss Cameron for the last time. Or at least for a while. I need to talk to Taylor.

*Text Convo*

"Taylor we need to talk." Sent.
"About what?" Received.
"Don't worry about it! Come to my hotel room. Don't let anybody see you!" Sent.
"K. Be there in 5." Received.
"K." Sent
Received. No reply.


"Yeah I know. But I mean I still love her and really want her back."
"Taylor you cheated on her. Do you really think she'll take you back?"
"I guess you're right. Probably not."

CLIFF HANGERRRRR BAESSS!!! Finally an update so sorry for not updating!! Been SUPER busy!

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