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- Abigail -

I hear two loud knocks on my bedroom door and my mom shouting about that our guest were here.

 " I told you, I'm not hungry" I tell my mom in a slightly annoyed tone of voice.

" Well you're coming down anyway, so get your lazy ass out here." She yells as she opens the door and walks back down the stairs to talk with our dinner guests.

" Fuck off mom" I mutter under my breath so no one will hear the cuss word leaving my mouth.

I make myself look ever so slightly more presentable by straightening out my clothes and brushing my hair free from tangles, making sure that I don't have any mascara running down my cheeks from crying earlier - that's happened before.

Once I'm ' satisfied' with my appearance, knowing it's not going to improve by staring in the mirror - I step out of my room and make sure to shut the door so nobody can look in and sneak around.

I walk down the stairs at an agonisingly slow pace, mainly because I can't be bothered with this, but also into the wooden floor at the bottom of our stairs and keep my eye on the floor, soon realising that there are several people standing in front of me.

" Abigail, this is Mr and Mrs Jones, they will be joining us tonight with their son." My mom says sweetly to me, acting like there is nothing wrong. She always does this. She acts all sweet and friendly when we have guests, but when was are on our own again, she goes back to her usual self. Yelling at and blaming me for everything, this is the only time she speaks kindly to me. But it's so fake, that I can't enjoy it.

At her mention of the word ' son I look up from the floor to meet the eyes of a boy not much older than my 17 year old self.

He is tall and has curly brown  hair with vibrant blue eyes, and is staring right at me.

I look away, feeling slightly awkward about the whole situation, I've never been good with meeting new people, I usually sit around and keep quite, not speaking to anyone.

" Say hello Abigail." My mom says to me through gritted teeth, still wearing a fake smile and trying to cover up her anger towards me.

" Hi, I'm Abigail, it's lovely to meet you." I say to them, putting on my best smile and trying to sound as nice as possible, hopefully doing a better job than my mom.

" " It's lovely to meet you too dear." The woman said to me and offers her hand to shake, which I shake and then move onto her husband, whose hand I also shake.

" This is Levi, our son." She says pointing to the tall boy standing next to her." He doesn't speak an awful lot to anyone, so don't take his silence personally." She says softly to me, making Levi roll his eyes, just like me I would have done.

" Oh don't worry about it, I'm not usually one for talking either." I reply sweetly.

I've had to do this so many times that it's because an instinct to act like nothing's wrong. I'm not really allowed to show my emotions around other people, even my own parents. I act all smiley and sweet when really, my mind is in the darkest of places and I secretly don't want to be there. I would much rather be up in my room listening to All Time Low or Twenty One Pilots. But according to mom, I'm not allowed fun either, so here I am.

I? smile slightly at Levi, whop quickly returns a soft smile before retiring his gaze to the ground, much like me earlier before my mom forced me back into my fake personality.

" Abigail, go and lay the table will you, dear?" My mom asks me sweetly before giving me a light shove on my back and sending me though to the dining room.

I place all of the crockery in the correct place, making sure that all the knifes and forks are perfectly placed. Wouldn't want to upset mom now would we?

I hear Levi's parents laugh at something my mom said and soon my dad walks through to the dining room with my mom and our guests behind them.

Levi sits opposite me whilst our parents arrange themselves into their seats.

my mom serves dinner and places a Sunday roast style meal in front of each of us - even though it's not a Sunday - it's a Thursday.

Despite me telling her several times, a large portion of food is placed onto my plate and I look at it in disgust.

I've never been one for eating a shit - load of fatty food, but it's gotten worse since Calum's death. I've barely eaten and I'm pretty sure you can already see a slight difference in my weight.  My collar - bones stick out more, as do my hip - bones - not that I'm complaining about being skinny, of course.

I take a bite out of the meat and instantly feel the fat food through my veins, even though it makes me want to vomit.

But because we have guests, I  have to eat it all otherwise my mom will punish me.

I finsh up the large meal and place a hand over my stuffed stomach, suddenly feeling the urge to throw up.

I excuse myself from the table, talking my parents that I have schoolwork to be doing.

As soon as I get upstairs, I open the bathroom door and lock it behind me, before kneeling over the toilet and sticking my fingers down my throat. The vomit rises up and pours into the toilet, leaving the vulgar stench of sick in the bathroom. I instantly flush the toilet and rinse my mouth out, before brushing my teeth so nobody smells it on me. I then leave the bathroom and walk across the hall to my room, shutting the door behind me and playing my music on the speakers once more.

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The only exception // Levi JonesWhere stories live. Discover now