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- Abigail -

The raindops fall hard on the hood of the thin hoodie that I'm wearing. I'm currently sitting on a rusty old swing in a park about a mile away from my house. I didn't know it would rain so I'm  not really dressed for the occasion but I still don't move from my spot on the swing.

As usual, I have music playing softly though my earphones, the song I'm listening to currently is ' little thing" by one direction. It's not usually my sort of music, but it kinda makes me feel better about myself and my insecurities.

I don't like my figure, my thighs aren't skinny enough and my stomach not flat enough. My wrists have ugly scars littered upon them, and a scar is there for life. My eyes are a dull and boring green, and my natural hair colour is probably the most common brown on the planet - which is why I have it dyed.

I take a strand of my pastel - purple hair and twirl it around my index and middle finger.

I let out a sigh as I stand up and begin the one mile journey home, on foot. The wind is blowing my hair everywhere, making it harder for me to see where I'm going. The rain is also getting heavier which probably isn't helping.

"Fuck" I mutter under my breath due to the wind stinging my eyes, making them water.

 Suddenly, I feel myself being shoved to the ground by someone with large hands and a strong grip.

" Hey there Abi" the all too familiar face growls down at me.

I stand up quickly and yell at the man to leave me alone.

" Why would I  do that? Your brother owed me money so now you have to pay." He smirks, as he takes a firm grip of my wrist and shakes me as if to wake me up.

" Hand the money over!" He yells, before slapping me straight across the face. I gasp and clutch my left cheek, wincing in pain.

"No - stop - I don't know what your talking about -"  I whimper, trying to pull my wrist away from him.

He pushes me to the ground once more, lowering himself until he is eye level with me, just as he opens his mouth to talk, he is pushed to the side and I feel arms go around my waist and lift me up off the ground.

IO turn around and just as I'm about to tell the person to get off me, I see the familiar bouncy, brown hair that I saw only a few days ago.

"Levi?" I question, although I already know it's him.

"Hey" he smiles, before grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the street with the angry man.

" Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He starts asking me, making me laugh slightly at his curiosity.

"Relax, I'm fine, he didn't hurt me, I'm okay." I reassure him, making him sigh in relief.

"Thank god, I swear if he had hurt you - "

" I get it, but seriously I'm fine." I snap at him, becoming slightly irritated by his rambling.

"Oh okay sorry." He apologises, taking a step back from me.

" It's fine" I say, trying to be gentle with him.

We stand in each others presence for a little while, just listening to the birds tweeting and the sound of the rain hitting the roofs of houses.

I notice that I'm shivering a bit and I  wrap my arms around myself in comfort, trying to get warm - which Levi seems to notice.

Without saying anything, he takes his jacket off and hands it over to me, an offer which at first I refuse - not wanting him to get cold - but he then places it over my shoulders and  I  don't remove it.

" My car's just 'round the corner, come on." He tells me after a moment, grabbing my wrist in his hand and tugging me along after him.

 " Ah shit" I mutter as I  feel the pain from when the older man had grabbed it, not even 10 minutes ago.

" You okay?" Levi asks, turning around to check on me.

" Fine" I reply shortly, before picking up the pace and getting in his car, waiting for him to get into the drivers seat to take me home.

"Right, do you want me to take you home or what?" He asks me softly.

" Yeah, home would be great, thanks."

I say, looking over to meet his gaze and sending him a quick smile.

" Anytime" he replies as he turns the key and pulls out of the space he was previously parked in.

The journey consists mostly of Levi humming along to the radio - which is playing quietly in the background - and also making small talk. He asks me my favourite colour.

I tell him 'purple.

Which he tells me is a good colour.

We laugh at times, when one or the other of us says something humorous, usually him.

He stops the car rather abruptly and let's me know that we're outside my house.

'Thanks for the lift, and for helping me back there." I tell him, as  I slowly open the car door.

" No problem, I  hope he didn't hurt you too badly." He replies, showing real concern in his eyes, which makes me smile lightly.

" He didn't, but can we keep this between us? I wouldn't want my parents to worry." I say quietly just in case my mom or dad are outside or listening.

" Worry? Why would they worry?"

" No reason, just promise me?" I  plead, trying to do my best puppy dog impression, knowing he will give in.

" Fine, see you around" he smirks as I  finally get out of the car.

"See you around, loser" I smile softly and laugh as his face falls into a scowl, before shutting the door and making my way back inside the warmth and safety of my own home. 

The only exception // Levi JonesWhere stories live. Discover now