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- Abigail -

People stare when I walk though the hallways at school, but today is worse. Almost everyone is looking at me and turning to there friends to whisper something.

I take out my books from my locker and quickly put them into my school bag before throwing it over my right shoulder.

I send everyone a glare and so me of them turn away, understanding that  I really can't be bothered with their shit. Not today.

It's my first day back at school since Calum's death and as usual, the news has spread like wild fire. Of cause, some stupid, unbelievable  rumours have been made up, some people are saying that he was run over by a train, others think that he ran away. I'm not gonna bother correcting them, I let them believe what they want.

"Wilson, your late to class get a move on." One of my old teachers says to me as if I  don't already know.

 I nod my head at him in acknowledgement and speed walk to class.

I burst into my English class   and start to apologise to the teacher - Mrs Webster -  But I 'm cut off half way through my sentence.

"You're late so you will stand outside and I'll speak to you at the end of the period." She says strictly before returning to the board and explaining something about essay writing. 

" Are you fucking kidding me?" I say I'm frustrated as I  turn to walk out of the classroom.

"What was that?" Mrs Webster asks me rudely, making me turn back to face her.

" That was none of your business" I smile sweetly at her before walking out of the room without another word. 

I walk with my head down to avoid stares from other students, as I walk out of the building.

Suddenly, I feel myself bumb into something hard, causing me to stumble slightly.

"Watch where you're going , jerk." I say without looking up at the culprit, as I'm about to walk off, the person grabs my wrist in their hand, turning me to face them.

"Abi?" He laughs, and I  then realise who it is.

"Levi" I snap, before yanking my hand away from him, turning around, and walking off.

I'm in such a bad mood, everything is annoying me today, as a result of this, I decided to skip class and sit on the roof.

I made my way to the hidden stairs and manage  to pick the lock with a hair pin. I quietly shut the door behind me, making sure that i'm alone and that nobody saw where I'm going.

I turn back around and walk quickly up the stairs, making sure to feed lightly so I don't draw attention by being loud.

I open the door at the top of the stairs and step out into the fresh, nippy November air. I wrap my arms around my waist to try and keep myself warm. I sit myself down with my legs dangling over the edge, meaning if someone pushed me, i would fall to my death.

Not that I would mind.

Come to think of it, death wouldn't be so bad -  I would be with Calum after all. I would be happy, I'd be away from my parents, I'd be the only person I've ever loved, and I'd have nothing to worry about.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by my phone ringing, startling me, almost making me over balance and fall from the ledge.

I dig the rose gold iphone 6s plus out of the pocket of my jeans, checking the caller ID to see that it's my mom calling me. I decide that I'm not going to answer, because technically, I should be in class.

A couple of minutes later I feel my phone vibrate, telling me I have a message.

What now?

I need you home, asap - mum

I don't reply, instead I stand up and as I'm about to turn around to go back down the stairs, a massive gust of wind sends me over the edge of the school.

I scream as I'm now holding onto the edge by my hands, my legs swinging around beneath me.

"Help" I scream, hoping someone will hear me and come to help.

I scream for help one more time before realising that if nobody heard me the first time, I doubt they would hear the second or the third.

Suddenly I hear the door open and slam back against the wall beside it, signalling that someone is up here.

" Help!" I shout again, my hands now feel numb and I don't know how much longer I can hold on.

" Abi?" I hear a familiar voice call, Levi.

"Levi! Help please!" I scream, as tears begin to run down my cheeks and my head falls down.

Okay so what I said earlier about death not being so bad, I didn't mean it. I realise now that I don't want to die yet. Not like this.

I feel a hand grab onto mine and I see Levi's mop of curly brown hair appear over the edge asd he stares down at me, desperately trying to pull me up.

" Holy shit Abi." He groans as he grabs my other hand and pulls me back up over the edge and onto the roof.

I sit and cry against his chest, that was probably the scariest experience of my life.

"Shhh, don't cry, you're okay. you're okay." He says as he rubs my back in an attempt at comforting me.

I look up at him and send him a weak smile.

"Thank you"

"Second time in a week, I'm doing well." He jokes, making me laugh slightly, despite the state I am currently in.

Whilst I was in his arms, I completely forgot about the text I received from my mom.

And by the time I got home, she and my dad were gone.

The only exception // Levi JonesWhere stories live. Discover now