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I woke up to the sound of my alarm beeping obnoxiously on my bedside table

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm beeping obnoxiously on my bedside table. It's 6:00 am. How anybody could be a morning person was beyond me. As far as I was concerned, it should be called mourning in honor of all the sweet hours of sleep I lost every day. I drug myself out of bed slowly so I could get ready for school.

I showered quickly to wake myself up, although I knew only a tall cup of coffee could really do the trick. I got out and blow dried my chestnut hair before getting dressed in a Beatles t-shirt and jeans.

"Sweetheart, you need to be ready to go in five minutes!" My mother yelled from downstairs.

I quickly tied my Vans and ran downstairs, grabbing a granola bar as I walked through the kitchen. I hopped in the car with my brother and dozed off for a few sweet minutes before we arrived at school.

The day went by fairly quickly and soon it was time for lunch. I stopped by my locker to put my backpack away before heading to the cafeteria.

I opened my locker door and watched a folded piece of paper fall to the ground. It was creased neatly into a small square with my name written on the front. I unfolded it and tried to smooth out the creases in the paper.


I wish you knew how beautiful you are. Please stop being so hard on yourself. Those hazel eyes of yours shouldn't always have tears in them. 

-John Doe

I stared at the note in confusion. The handwriting was small and written with a heavy hand, as the ink was nearly bleeding through the paper. John Doe was clearly a pseudonym. The question was who could be hiding behind it.

Nobody at my school had ever noticed me before. Who had possibly cared enough to slip something like that into my locker? I had found myself lost in my thoughts when a voice snapped me back to reality.

"Hey Crimson, you ready to go to lunch?" A soft voice asked from behind me.

I turned around to see my best friend, Piper, waiting eagerly for me to follow her to the cafeteria. She was small, barely clearing five feet tall on a good day. Her auburn hair fell into her face and she pulled it back into a ponytail before motioning for me to follow her.

I sat at our usual table and played mindlessly with my food. Our school lunches were mediocre at best, so I often found myself wasting the majority and heading to the vending machine later on. I pushed my tray away from me after a moment, deciding I couldn't stomach the flavorless chicken.

"So check out what I found in my locker today." I said, holding out the note for her.

I watched as she unfolded it and read what was inside, examining the paper closely.

"Woah, you have a secret admirer! You're so lucky, something like that would never happen to me." She pined, holding the paper to her chest.

"Don't say that Piper, you're amazing. Anyways, sure I guess it's flattering, but who on earth is it? It just seems so out of the blue." I wondered.

"I have no idea, but I intend for us to find out." She said, an air of certainty in her voice.

I had to admit, I was pretty curious to find out myself. The only problem was I had no idea where to start. I was only a Sophomore and although I wasn't a complete nobody, I definitely wasn't friends with everybody in this school. It could really be anybody. I needed someone who knew the people at this school like the back of their hand.


That's it! He was the perfect person to ask.

My brother, Asher, was a senior here at Lincoln High. He's been here since he was a freshman, and he knows everybody. If anybody could give me any ideas about who my John Doe was, he could.

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