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    The next day at school was torture

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   The next day at school was torture. I knew that Asher was going to talk to Carter, and I was going insane wondering what the outcome was going to be. Then, at exactly 3:03 in the afternoon, I got my answer.

I heard a smooth, deep voice behind me as I gathered my things at my locker.


I turned around to see Carter standing at my locker, his gray eyes meeting mine instantly.

"Hey," I said, confusion and excitement dripping in my voice. "What's up?"

"I was just wondering what you were doing this Saturday night." He asked smoothly, giving me a half-grin that would drive any girl crazy.

"Uh, I don't know yet. Why?"

"I was just wondering if you wanted to catch a movie or something. Think you'd be up for it?" He asked me in a way that made it seem like he already knew my answer.

I tried to play it cool, hoping he couldn't tell how fast my heart was beating. I gave him what I hoped looked like a casual grin, but in reality it was taking all of my will power not to burst into a full fledged smile.

"Yeah, we could do that." I responded coolly.

I walked away and instantly let the smile break through my face. I couldn't believe Asher had actually gotten him to ask me out. Did that mean he was the one who put the note in my locker?

     I spent the entire ride home talking to Asher about my date with Carter. He listened to me the whole time looking slightly amused, as if he was pleased that his little intervention had worked out for the best.

"So I guess that means the mystery is solved then." I declared.

"What do you mean?" Asher questioned.

"About the note in my locker. You were right, it was Carter. I mean that's why he asked me out, right?" I insisted, waiting for his confirmation.

"I mean, I never specifically asked if he was the one who left it. I just asked if he was into you. He clearly is though, so I guess he'd be a pretty good bet." He answered nonchalantly.

     We pulled into our driveway and made our way inside. I opened the door and heard my mom talking from the living room. Her voice sounded concerned and suddenly I heard my dad's voice interrupting. I struggled to make out the words they were saying, but they were talking just low enough to keep me from understanding them.

Asher must've noticed the worry in my expression. "Hey, I'm sure it's nothing. Let's just head upstairs and get started on some homework, alright?" He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the stairs.

I couldn't help but wonder what they were talking about though. My mom sounded pretty upset, which was especially troublesome considering she'd always been the one to stay calm in every situation.

I tried to look concentrated on the textbook in front of me as my mind continued to wander off. It didn't fool Asher though, he knew me better than that.

"Hey, I know you're freaked out about whatever you heard when you came in, but I'm sure you're just overreacting. It's probably nothing. Just focus on something else." He said, trying to calm my nerves.

"Yeah, you're right. Let's talk about something else then. What do you think I should wear for my date with Carter?" I asked.

He smirked at me, and I knew that was his way of making fun of me for being so anxious about my date. I rolled my eyes at him in response. We had a way of communicating with each other at times without having to say anything.

"Is it really that important to you?" He laughed.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean, do you really like him that much? It sounds like this date is a pretty big deal to you." He said, his voice becoming slightly more serious.

I felt my face get hot as he pointed out how much thought I was putting into such a casual first date.

"I don't know. I guess I just never would've expected a guy like him to be interested in me. I don't normally attract guys like that, you know?" I explained, feeling even more self-conscious than before.

"Stop it, Crimson. Don't be so hard on yourself. Any guy would be lucky to have you." He said, suddenly sounding sincere.

I smiled and nodded my head, trying to believe his words. I still didn't feel completely confident, but maybe he was right. Maybe I could actually get a guy like Carter to want me.

I sighed, only time would tell.

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