Chapter 2:

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(Jacobs POV)

Im so nervous, what if my girl finds out. I had told Kat that I was going to Ohio to see some old friends of mine. But I lied to her. And I felt so bad, but I had to do it because she would have been worried about. I know she cares but she just lost her Dad, Mom, and 2 sisters in a car accident, not even 9 months ago.

She was so heart broken and she still is I could put anymore pressure on her.

I loved her.

I just couldn't tell her cause I don't think she feels the same way about me. I also don't want to say anything because if she doesn't feel the same way, which I am pretty sure of, our relationship is gone.

We do everything together. We are always with each other, some say we are inseparable, which I agree. We are always touching, whether she is holding my hand, has her body wrapped around my arm, or my arm on her waist or shoulder, or even glued to my hip, like you would hold a child.
I don't mind because again I love her with everything I've got she is my all.

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