Chapter 3:

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(Kat's POV)

    I started to walk to school, and I was there not even ten minutes later. I swung open the doors to the school and everyone stared at me. I just rolled my eyes and kept on walking down the hall.
    I walked to my locker and put my book down when I heard my phone go off.

   Rou bear- Hey baby girl I am almost at school see u in a u baby girl.
    Just by that simple jester I was smiling from ear to ear. I loved Jacob with all my heart and I would do anything in the world for him. The only thing I disagree with him on is that he smokes and he just hurting himself with it.

To Rou Bear- OK bear, I will see u then I love u too.  💙💙💙

   Maybe ten min have gone bye and then all of usuden I heard," Where's my BABY GIRL!!!"
    I turned and so Jake and I made a bee line straight for him running as fast as I could. As soon as he saw me his face lit up. I finally reached him and jumped. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He started to chuckle that deep, sexy one he does only on rare occasions. I started to kiss all over his face.
    " I missed you, I missed you, I missed you, please don't leave again...I love you rou bear," I said into his ear. He just chuckled.

(Jakes POV.)
  " I love you too my baby girl, and I missed you too. Don't worry I won't be leaving for about another week." After I said that her grip tightened on me and I chuckled. She was like a baby, but she was my baby. I hated to be away from her because we were like "soul mates". I know that sounds weird, but it hurt to be away from her.
   " Baby I'm just kidding, loosen the grip. I'm not going anywhere for a awhile and if I do I'll bring u with me. I promise."
    " No I don't wanna let go, I missed u, I thought for a second your weren't gonna come back," she winned into my neck. I could feel her warm minty breath on my neck, and quite frankly it was a turn on.

   I understand why she thought this because she has had so many people walk out on her, she doesn't trust people. I am all she's got and will always be there for her. Her grip tightened again. I almost forgot she was still attached to me. Everyone was staring but I really didn't care. I huffed and they turned away.

   " Baby, come on you know me, I would never leave you all alone," I said this has I shifted a little- she was still breathing on my neck-" Baby Girl you know that I would never leave you right, I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, or make you sad in any way you know that right.?"
  She pulled her head back and looked at my, I could see the tears in her eyes. She was still latched on to me like a monkey. I turned and headed to my car. I sat in the front seat, while she was still straddling me.
   " You know I would never leave you right," I asked her softly. She looked up at me and bit her lip. I groaned.
   " What have I told u about doing that??"  She giggled, it was like music to my ears. She still had tears rolling down her checks and she was still sniffling. She looked down.
    "Katrina answer me now," she flenched at my harsh tone, and the fact that I called her by her full name.
   She looked up and then down real fast.
   "Damnit Katrina, answer the fucking question. Do YOU or do you NOT think I will leave you!!!" She flenched back again. All of this was causing my chest to hurt. I had a grip on her hips, not enough to hurt her, but to make my point.
   She started to shake cause she was scared. I hated that I scared her and all I wanted to do was comfort her, but she knows I hate when people ignore me. She started to struggle against me trying to get loose. She was shacking and crying and she was scared shitless.
  " Baby calm down, I didn't mean to. You know I hate when people ignore me. Please just answer me.." She still kept trying to get away and I understand, she was scared.
   " Do you think I would leave you," I grabbed her chin and tilted her face towards me to make eye contact.
  "Y-y-yes..." She stuttered out.

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