The Returned Unrequited Love Part 1

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Tomo sighed.

No matter what he did, Kazu keeps on putting a wall between them. If this goes on, his feelings will never be returned, ever. Lost in deep thought while looking at Kazu that seems so far away, Kento came and gave Tomo a surprise when he grabbed Tomo's shoulder.

"Geez Kento. Stop giving me heart attack please." Tomo said whilst brushing off Kento's arm from his shoulder.

"That's the only way to bring you back to reality from your far-fetched fantasy world with Kazu. I'm just helping you. That's all there is to it." Kento says while chuckling naughtily. He had the most fun teasing Tomo when he's in this state.

Tomo blushed profusely and let out a sigh. "Do you think that Kazu will ever be able to accept me? I've done everything to make him opened up to me. My heart skipped a beat during our last live concert when we had interaction onstage. At that time, I swear he's the only thing that I can see. I was bewitched by his charming smile. Sure, he's strict but that is just his personality. He values the fans more than anything else. He cares for the members and becamo someone all MooNs members can lean on. Isn't that awesome of him." Tomo eyes gleamed with admiration and he break into a smile.

Kento just deliberately shook his head and patted Tomo by the shoulder. "Man, you're so helplessly head over heels with Kazu. Well, I guess you should just show how much he means to you by your action. A word is only a word until it's proved by your action. I'd say just go for it. Isn't that right, Tsubasa? Kento shot a grin over at B-Project A&R, Tsubasa Sumisora.

"Yeah, that's right, Kitakado-san. You need to take courage and show him your feeling. Take that leap of faith and I'm sure that Masunaga-san will come to realize about your feelings. And if anything happens, all of us are rooting for the both of you, right, Aizome-san?" Tsubasa said while making a peace sign followed by Kento who is giving Tomo thumbs up with a huge grin on his face.

"Geez, you guys are really.." as Tomo tried to finish his sentence, the director called out to them to start shooting the commercial again. Kento and Tomo slightly nodded their heads to the director and dashed to the shooting place.

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