The Returned Unrequited Love Part 4

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Tomo don't really pay attention anymore to Kento words. He just wanna make it up to Kazu. He was looking at Kazu's backview, intently. 

"Oyy heart. Stop beating so loudly for God sake. Oh no. I can't sleep. Is Tomo beside me? What should I do? I can't seem to calm down at all." Kazu thought to himself. 

Tomo realized that Kazu was trembling and scooted over to him. "Are you that scared of me?" Kazu was shocked by Tomo's gentle whisper and tried to distance himself but was immediately hugged by Tomo. Kazu blushed so hard his ears are turning red too. "Will you hear me out properly this time? And I'm not planning on letting you go until you hear me out. So face me please? He tightened his wrapped arms around Kazu and Kazu decided to just go along with it and nodded silently. 

He turned around and face Tomo. "Wh.. wh.. what is it?" he said, while his face went red from embarrassment. Tomo was shocked to see Kazu wearing that kind of expression on his face and went on to hug him even tighter this time.

 "Tomo! Tomo! Let me go" Kazu whispered while desperately trying to break away from him but Tomo's way too strong for him. "As expected, no matter what you did, your face, your personality, your everything. I like it all. Can you hear it? The proof of my love? Kazu can hear the loud beating sound from Tomo's chest when Tomo hugged him earlier. 

"But what makes you think that all of this will make me like you? Why won't you give up? Kazu turned away and Tomo hold his face gently. "That is one thing that I will never be able to do. Even though it may be an unrequited love from my side, I'm content from being by your side. That much is enough for me. But right now, I really need an answer to this feeling that has been lingering around for some time. What will it be Kazu? 

Kazu looked into Tomo's eyes and he reached out to hug him. "You know, for a long time. I've been feigning innocence that I was hating on you by using my mother and other excuses. The truth is, I loved you too much. It hurts. There seems to be no future ahead even if I did something." This time, Kazu rested his head on Tomo's arm and continued, "But you. How everything can seems so easy when it comes to you? I've always loved that side of you." 

Tomo gasped in surprised. He never expected his love to be returned back. While he's in awe, Kazu leaned forward and kissed him. "And this is my answer, baka." Tomo grabbed his head and they kissed intensely. Kazu moved closer to Tomo and snuggled up to him. After the intense kiss, both of them let out a slight chuckle and embraced each other to sleep.

When the other member woke up in the morning the next day, they see Kazu and Tomo are sleeping soundly in each other embrace. Kento poked Tomo by the feet and woke them up, "It's time to be up lovebirds. Come on and get ready quick." Tomo and Kazu quickly wake up then and they are welcomed by the endless laughter from the members. "Geez, you guys," Kazu was pouting. Tomo went on to hug him, "From this day on, Kazu is mine and please give us your blessing!" Tomo announced the great news to the members and the members replied with a big thumbs up. Kazu was speechless for a while but went on and said, "So there's that, please look after us." while blushing so hard. Then, the members surrounded the couple and did a group hug. –The End-

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