The Returned Unrequited Love Part 2

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The decided last shooting place was at the famous location that was popular for the shells offering routine. The shooting starts and they acted accordingly and Kazu blurted out that he doesn't know what to write. He kindly asked the girl who appears to be close to him "Hey, what do you wish for? Will you tell me?" The girl turned beet red at his words and responded with a shy voice, "I wish for you to fall in love with me". Kazu puts on his best "smile business" and said "Then I hope that your wish will come true." all while writing the wish on the shells. The moment the director said "CUT", he returned to his normal self and goes back to Kento and Tomo.

Kento stared at Kazu for a long time. "That's a really nice business smile and great wish you got there, Kazu-chan. Isn't that right, Tomo? Kazu looked over at Tomo and realized that Tomo had a very pained expression on his face. 

"What happened Tomo? Why did you look so hurt? What did you wish for you to be this sad?" Kazu asked, curious. "It's a wish that will never amount to anything that I ever have. Only in my wildest will this dream come true, but seeing your shells".. Tomo took the shells in Kazu's hand and looked him in the eyes while saying.. "I really do wish my will come true, cause no matter how long it takes, I'll stick to this one and only wish". Kazu slaps Tomo hands away and shy away from him. He was blushing so hard, his ears are red from embarrassement.

"Ohho, Kazu you must REALLLYYYYYY like Tomo. You only acted this way around him and what's with this blushing stuff... Hahahahaha.." Kazu was taken aback at Kento's statement and stormed off from them furiously, in rage.

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