The Returned Unrequited Love Part 3

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It was getting darker and they took off to their accommodation place. They got together with the rest of the members after they finished their shooting for the day. They happily exchanged stories from their shoot with each other. Hikaru asked excitedly, "So I heard that you went to a lighthouse and wrote wishes on shells? What did you guys wrote about? I'm super curious." 

Tomo just sipped his tea calmly. Kazu non-chalantly said "It was nothing special anyway. You don't need to know." Kento laughed, "You're sure that was not important? It IS IMPORTANT to someone, you know." Tomo choked over his drink and shot a menacing look at Kento and he just mouthed "Sorry not sorry" and chuckled happily. 

Hikaru and Nome just looked at each other slightly confused and shrug a little. Kazu was annoyed, "Kento. Stop teasing me. It's annoying. Haih.. I'm so done with all of you. I'm gonna go ahead and take a bath." He stood up and grabbed his towel and toiletries and head over to the onsen.

Kazu slowly dipped his leg in the onsen, one after another before completely going in the water. "Haa.. This is so refreshing. He rested his head by the side of the onsen and thought to himself, "What does actually Tomo wishes for, that Kenzo is always teasing him? AND ME TOO? Gosh that man is so unbelieveable. 

He suddenly came to the realization that he was lost in thought. AND THINKING ABOUT TOMO, ON TOP OF THAT. "I need to seriously get ahold of myself." He said while giving his face a very loud slap, few times. "Ouch, it hurts." He rubbed his red cheek and he heard the sound of people coming over. It was Tomo. He looked over in disbelief. 

Tomo entered the water and went to his side. "Why are you all alone? Where's the other?" asked Kazu. "They decided to go out to grab some food so it'll just be me and you." Tomo said with a huge smile on his face. He noticed Kazu's cheek that was a bit reddish. "Did something happen? Why are your cheeks so red? Did you catch a cold?" Tomo grabbed Kazu's cheek and stroked them gently and bring his head closer to check his temperature. Kazu flustered and tried to push Tomo away but instead, Tomo grabbed his hand and kissed him.

They shared a deep kiss. So passionately. So erotic. When their lips parted away, Kazu covered his face in embarrassment. "What are you doing Tomo?" said Kazu. "This time, can you guess what my wish is truly all about?" Tomo whispered to his ear. Kazu had not lift his head after the kiss. He remained silent and decided to run away from Tomo. Tomo tried to stop him, "Kazu," he grabbed Kazu by the hand and Kazu strongly rejected him, "LET ME GO, TOMO". Tomo was surprised and the moment he let go of Kazu's hand, Kazu quickly walked away from him and head to their room.

Kazu was trembling non-stop. "What had just happened? Is it a dream? It's not, idiot. Really, why did Tomo kissed me? I can't see his expression because I'm looking down all the time. Is he serious or? No but why? Ahh whatever, I'll just sleep it off." Kazu laid out his futon and decided to sleep to calm himself down.

Tomo was in agony. Is it wrong of him to do that? "The moment seems right but I guess I kinda get hasty and I can't seem to stop myself." He looked at his reflection over the water. Kazu must has hated me more now. Wow, congrats self. That's a way of getting your crush to "like" you back. "Urghhh, I hate myself even now." 

He touched his lips, "Anyway that kiss is not a dream. As expected Kazu is totally different." The warmth from the kiss before lingered around Tomo for awhile. 

He headed over to their room and saw that Kazu is already in his futon, sleeping. The other members came back just after he finished laying out the futon. "Oh, you're back already? Will you guys go straight to sleep or take a bath?" Tomo said. "We already take our bath when we are out eating. It just turned out that there is public bath house near the place that we are eating. So we decided to bathe there and went home" said Hikaru, proudly.

 "Oh okay, then. We still have to wake up early tomorrow so let's sleep." Tomo said and he lay down beside Kazu, facing him. Kento turned off the lights and said,"Sleep tight everyone and please refrain from being too close to each other" he slightly laughed and went to his place.

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