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(Y/n)'s pov

Im running in the woods,running from the police. Ugh I told him to be careful with me, I told him that if he messes with me he's gonna regret it but nooooo, he just laughts at me like i was stupid! He got what he deserved! Nobody gets away with bulling me! It was fun seeing him cry for help. In a weird way I liked seeing people fear me, I felt in control, I killed everyone that has ever bullied me. After what happened, I should feel regret but I don't, for some reason I feel happy. But my freak out seemed to attract the police, Sooooo yea now i'm running for my life.

I found a small cottage in the woods near the village, I knocked on the door and after a minute or so an old lady answered it. She didn't seem to recognise me, hopefully nobody does, I hope I'm far enough away that what i had done hadn't made the news? Or the lady lives to far from the town that she doesn't know yet. I might be able to live here with out the police finding me?

"Hello dear what brings you here? The lady said.

Hi, I was wondering if I can stay a day or two?

Sorry sweetie , but I can't let you."

What! That old hag can't tell me what I can and cannot  do!

"Who told you that you had a choice?!"

I pulled my gun to her face and shoot her, Hopefully we were far away from the village so nobody heard it. I draged the body to a nearby lake and dumped her in it. I went back to clean the blood, I have a really bad temper huh? Any way at least I have a house now, yay?
   I looked around the place and burned every picture and drawing of the old lady. I saw a dog who seemed to hate my guts,I had to get rid of him so no one suspects anything but I can't kill him I'm not that heartless so lured him out the house and looked him out side lucky he went to find he's owner, poor guy hopefully he doesn't try to get he's revenge and kill me.

After some time of reorganizing the house and the dog not coming back, which he might of drowned who knows? I went to find a job, I was walking around the village nobody lucky seemed to know me. Walking around I saw a poster searching for a security guard at Freddy fazbear's I called the number and a guy answered I hope nobody already took the opportunity.

"Hello,hello fredy fazbear's here what can I do to help you ?

Hello I'm (Y/n) I was wondering if the position of security guard is still available?

Ah, yes it is you can come in to do the paperwork for the job?

Of course! what time?

Good, come in at 10:30 if it's possible.

Of course, thank you and byee!

Goodbye! Hope to see you soon."

And with that I might get a job, It was surprising easy to get a interview but I won't get my hopes up, because I don't have any experience and I had to leave my school cause of the accident. There is no way I'm ganna have a job so easily unless no one wants it and their extremely desperate.
   After that I went home and waited till 10:30 by watching movies and eating. It was 10:25 when I went to change, I was gonna have to run if cops recognise me so I stole sports clothes from the old lady's niece or daughter, they seemed to fit pretty well. I went out at 10:28 hopefully I won't be late, I arrived at the pizzeria   and asked a waiter where the office was  he showed the direction and I went in there was a guy  I presume the boss and a table with two chairs facing each other, the boss waived to come in so I did. The guy seemed nervous, and asking questions and not caring about the answers, it seems that he is willing to take anyone who offered, how bad is the job? Why does no one want it? I walked out the office and I got the job, it can't be that bad right?
  I will be working from 6am to 10pm. I'll be working with a partner,so that's good and I'll meet him tomorrow when the job start. I happily went home and had dinner with what they had, watched movies and went asleep in my new room. When I have enough money to buy stuff I'll redecorate the house to my style but for now I'll just sleep and see how it goes, oops I almost forgot to set the alarm clock to 6am don't want to be late now.....

Hi this is my first x reader hope it's not too crappy, bye my Foxes

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