Chapter 9

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You were awoken to the feeling of cold steel pressed against your neck.

You jolted upwards from the cold object, causing a nasty nip of pain at your neck. You stilled, feeling a drop of blood trickle down it and onto the couch. Damn, that was going to stain terrible.

Anyway, you blinked once. Twice. Three times, trying to get your eyes adjusted to the lighting around you. From what you could tell, it was daytime or the lights were on, but you were willing to bet on daytime setting in. You reached out, still thinking tiredly, to rub your sleepy eyes, but the metal object was pushed closer to your neck making you grind your teeth together.

"Don't try anything, toots." You heard. It took you a second to process the sentence itself, but you instantly recognised it as Chucky's. It had that distinct gravely sound to it. Your eyes were becoming more adjusted now, as were your other senses. Actually, now that you were waking up, you could feel some sort of pressure on your stomach and chest. Squinting, you glared at that area to see a small figure.


Your eyes widened and everything became as clear as day, as if your body knew you needed it. You could clearly see the ginger doll sitting on top of you, straddling your hips. You grunted, then noticed his left arm was extended towards you, followed by a grey shiny object in his grasp.

Now wide awake your mind had finally pieced it together; Chucky was holding a knife to your throat! You were instantly scared, of course, but having already easily defeated the doll before a stronger feeling of anger washed over you. Still, he had the upper hand here, so you had to be cautious.

"You dirty backstabbing son of a bitch!" You cursed, sounding somewhat like Chucky, but you hadn't realised. "How'd you get to the knifes?"

His freckly face grinned, showing off his small set of square teeth. He pushed the knife a little harder in your neck, just to remind you who's boss. "I just searched the whole house, which is a wreck now, by the way." He answered, following up with loud howling laughter.

"I'm gonna beat your sorry little arse to a pulp!" You threatened, not intimidating Chucky in the slightest. It was understandable since he was the one holding the knife to your throat.

"Why the hell are you doing this?" You asked desparetely, pushing down the anger you were carrying.

"No questions, just do as I say!" He snapped, warning you with pressure to the knife. You growled, but said nothing. What else could you do? Your mind was rushing with thoughts and ideas on how to get out of this, but you really didn't want to risk your life to escape his command. For now, you'd just role with it.

"Fine. What do you want?" You muttered, and his eyes lit up victoriously. He gave the kind of expression that read a 'Wow, that was a lot easier than I expected' sort of line. For a fraction of a second he stumbled over his words, forgetting where he was, making him look really unperfessional.

"We're gonna go for a drive to pay a visit to a friend of mine, and your gonna be my personal little chauffeur." He laughed, at the same time climbing off the side of you to allow you to sit up. You did so with slow and precise movements as to not trigger his hand. You really didn't want your throat cut. But think, (Y/N), think...what could you say to get out of this?

"I don't have a car." You lied suddenly.

"Don't fucking toy with me, I saw your piece of shit car on the driveway." He argued back, quicker than you'd anticipated. Well, shit. He catches on pretty fast. "Now move!"

Before you stood to your feet, you could feel the doll behind you climb onto your back, wrapping his legs around your torso and gripping onto your shoulder with his free hand, all the while making sure to keep the knife pressed threatingly to your neck. You walked then, quite stiffly, out through the kitchen.

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