Chapter 2

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It's been a week since Sherlock made his return known for his friends and ex-girlfriend. Out of them, it is Mrs. Hudson who mostly speaks to him. John has come over two times for a short visit, Mary accompanying him. Hayley hasn't been in touch at all. Because of this much time on hand, he also made his presence known for Lestrade, who handled it best. After being stunned by seeing him alive for a short moment, he grabbed him in a tight hug. Although Sherlock has pissed him off an amount of times, they have known each other for a long time, and Lestrade does care about the detective. And not just because he helps solving most of Scotland Yard's cases.

During this week, it has now also been known to the public that their beloved consulting detective is back in London. That it wasn't a suicide of fake genius, but rather a fake suicide of a genius, as the papers put it. This means that people come to Baker Street for his help once again. It also means that Lestrade, his casual client, calls him in for assistance.

However, it isn't much help to get. Even though Sherlock gives him details about the victims and finds clues that lead to the murderer, he doesn't seem like he's present. Lestrade notices it, and being aware of the situation between him and Hayley, he tells him to fix things with her and then come back when he is his ordinary self. Sherlock tries to protest but to no avail. As much as he wants to have Hayley by his side again, this is a case where he has no clues to follow. Therefore, he visits the one person whom he might get something informative out of.

* * *

"Dear brother, this is the second time you're in my office in a week. That's more than you visit in months. May I make a deduction and say that your friends have declared themselves out of your life?"

Sherlock hates to ask for help from his elder brother, but desperate time creates desperate measures.

He is pacing back and forth with his hands in praying position in front Mycroft, who is sitting in his usual office chair. Watching his brother's impatient, apprehensive steps, he tilts his head and rubs his fingers against his temple. This is really gnawing on him: a matter he never thought he'd have to deal with. "She doesn't want anything to do with you. does she?"

"Important..." Sherlock mumbles.


"That's what you said." Sherlock stops moving. "'This is an important matter'," he says, repeating his brother's words from the day they came back to London.

He sighs. "Yes..." he drags the word out.

"First I thought it was a case. That a client would eventually contact me, but then I realized... it's not. This is about Hayley."

Mycroft looks at him, which confirms Sherlock's conclusion.

"She's using," Sherlock says, starting to pace around again. "But you knew that already. Is that what this is about? Hayley is taking drugs?"

"Was," Mycroft corrects. "It's a while ago since she did it. Short period, but she took a lot."

Sherlock's attention is now caught. If anyone knows the affections on drugs, it's him. And he begins to feel guilt surrounding him.

"It affected everything. She barely ate, which resulted in her thin body. Sleep was almost out of the routine. She refused help, wouldn't speak to either me, the Watsons or Mrs. Hudson. Drawing herself back, it only got worse."

Mycroft takes a break, and Sherlock waits for the rest. slowly glides a step closer to his brother.

"By the time we could get to her, John found her unconscious on the floor after she'd taken an overdose. She was brought immediately to the hospital."

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