Chapter 5

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After last night's intimate event, both Sherlock and Hayley were so exhausted that both of them fell asleep shortly after even if it wasn't that late. 

Lying on her back, Hayley turns to the side as she's waking up. She stretches out her arms and lets out a yawn. Outside, the early morning sun is shining, and the warm light shines through a thin shred the curtain doesn't cover, warming Hayley's face. Gently, she opens her eyes only a little to adjust the light. When she runs out of patience, she turns around but doesn't get far til something stops her. Opening her eyes fully this time, she sees Sherlock's bare chest and lifting her head, she sees his face. He moves a bit as her body makes contact with his but his eyes remain closed. The last time she woke up like this, she lost Sherlock the same day, but this time, he is staying. She soon starts to think about their night and can't help but smile to herself.

Running her fingers through his hair, Sherlock slowly begins to wake up. "Morning, sleepyhead," Hayley says with a sloppy voice. Without opening his eyes, he makes a sudden move and practically throws himself over her. His arms hold on to her, making her giggle.

The result of Sherlock's act is that Hayley is half on top of him, and he's now looking at her. She can't help but give that angelic face a morning kiss. After all, it's been over two years since they last saw each other. Sherlock hums and kisses her back. When Hayley pulls away a little, she lifts an eyebrow at him.

"You were in the heat last night. For a man claiming that such things aren't his area, I'm gonna have to disagree," she says.

"Mmm...I'm full of surprises," he smirks up at her.

"I've never doubted that," she laughs and kisses him again, keeping her lips on his longer this time. She can feel his hand move from her waist to her hair. Then, he rolls over so he's on top.


Sherlock pulls back as they hear the voice of their daughter outside. She must be a bit confused as to where Hayley is since she didn't stay with her during the night.

"I'll be right out, sweetie!" Hayley calls from the bed. She looks up at Sherlock as to say "move". He thinks about it first but then gets out of the way so she can get up. Only wearing Sherlock's shirt, she opens the door and sees Melody stand right outside.

"Morning," her mother says in a happy tone and picks her up, placing her on the hip.

Melody leans her head on her shoulder and as she breathes in, she says, "You smell daddy." Hayley smiles.

"Yes, this is daddy's shirt. I'm borrowing it. Hey, how about I give you a bath while daddy makes breakfast?"

Getting a nod from the toddler, Hayley puts her down and opens the door to the bathroom. Once Melody is inside, she turns around and peeks her head inside Sherlock's bedroom. "You're fixing breakfast," she tells him and before he gets to protest, she is already inside the bathroom. 

* * *

Later on, Melody is on the couch, drawing, while Sherlock sits in his chair with Hayley on his lap. They're having a quiet talk about Moran and what they're gonna do about it.

"I'll talk to Mycroft. Come up with a plan," Sherlock promises while stroking her arm. It feels good to have her back in the flat, and he hopes it will last. Therefore he's desperate to get Moran out of the picture.

"Okay," Hayley whispers back, leaning her head on his shoulder. They both thought Melody would question why they act a bit like John and Mary does, but she hasn't said anything about it. Hayley takes it as a good sign because if there's something Melody isn't happy about, she lets people know.

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