" I will let oliver queen shoot an arrow at me "

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                 › He smiled at her, "You wanna laugh don't you?" She nodded yes while biting her lip and soon the urge to laugh went away

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› He smiled at her, "You wanna laugh don't you?" She nodded yes while biting her lip and soon the urge to laugh went away. "No, but seriously they're my friends and teammates and sometimes I wanna rip their heads off, but I love them."

"Yeah, I know what you mean, that's how it is for me and my friends. I live with them so when I'm able to be alone I take the chance. They're everywhere I go so it's hard to do that, but they've been there for me for so long and have helped me through so much, you won't believe it." She says remembering how there would be times where her friends would help out with buying food for her family, or purchasing shoes and coats in the winter.

"I'm just glad that I figured who my real friends are and who the fake ones are, especially after getting drafted. After that day, so many of the people who wanted to see me fail were texting me with fake congratulations and friends that I thought were real would only text or call when they wanted to come to a game and needed tickets." William explains and the two sit in silence for a few seconds, each of them thinking about how different yet similar they were.

Astra got a notification on her phone and looked at it. The notification was from Netflix telling her that the new season of Arrow and Flash were on Netflix. A smile quickly took place of the frown that was on her face before and William noticed the change.

"What happened?" He asked and she shoved her phone in his face. He slowly read the notification and started smiling too, "I've been waiting forever for the new season to come out! I need to binge watch it today for sure."

"Flash first though, Barry Allen could murder me and i'd say thank you." Astra said as she put I hand over her heart.

"You're crazy, but I will let Oliver Queen shoot an arrow at me. Actually wait, no I can't be injured so I'm not taking that chance." William said slowly then the two chuckled.

Astra raised a finger, "The real question is, Marvel or DC?"

"Marvel, for sure. My man Chris looks good in every movie." William states surely.

She raised an eyebrow at him, "Hemsworth or Evans or Pratt?"

William rolls his eyes, "All three of them, obviously. How does one choose only one Chris? It's nearly impossible."

Astra laughs, "Yeah, you're right. I know for a fact that I can't even choose. I love my Chris' way too much to pick between them."

"Did you see Captain Marvel yet? It was so good that I wanna watch it again." William says and Astra nods her head.

"Yeah I did see it. It was absolutely amazing, but I know the Endgame is gonna be better. I'm gonna cry for like an hour afterwards." She says and wipes a fake tear causing William to laugh a little bit.

"An hour? That's it? Catch me crying for a week." William told her in an exaggerated tone, "Honestly though, I love the Chris' and all, but there's someone else I love more."

"Who?" She asked, her brows furrowed.

William leaned forward, "You can't tell anyone, okay?" Astra nodded her head and William opened his mouth, "I'm gay for Michael B. Jordan."

She moved back from him and looks at him with a confused expression on her face, "Oh, honey, every guy is gay for him."

"Yeah that's true, I've heard my friends talk about him in so many different ways that I a convinced at least one of them is gay." He states seriously and sips the last drop from his coffee cup then he moves it next to Astra's cup so the table would have more room.

"William, how does a guy like you not have a girlfriend?" Astra blurted out before she could stop herself, surprising him with the question. She wanted to say sorry then decided against it.

"How do you know that?" He asked her in a quiet tone.

She shrugged her shoulders, "I just know. I can tell from how you're acting and how you're so open to the idea of sitting with a stranger talking about random things."

"Hey, I would hardly call you stranger. I mean, I'm pretty sure that you know more about me than some of my closest friends do." He says try to dodge her question, but his attempts fail as she repeats the question. "I don't know, I always end up attracting weirdos or psychopaths," he says with a small laugh, "I've never had a girlfriend that was able to deal with the hockey stuff and the fact that I actually live in Sweden during summer. I don't know, honestly. Everyone around me has a significant other, I'm always third wheeling, but one day I'll find someone. I've never been one to force a relationship between me and a friend who's been a girl, I know people who have. . And let me till you, it doesn't turn out well. I guess I'm not every girls ideal guy."

"But why not? I mean you're not bad looking, you're actually really good looking. You're tall, you can grow nice stumble, the glasses make you look like  a Swedish superman. You're athletic and from what I see you have an amazing body. All of that aside though, you have a great heart and you are an amazing person inside and out. Maybe you were a little bit cocky at first, but when you figured out that I didn't know who you were, you weren't mad or annoyed, you were actually kind of happy." Astra explained.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "Well, if I'm so amazing then why aren't you interested in me?"

"You said you can't force a relationship, neither can I. We'd make great friends, but I already know that we will never be together. I mean, we probably won't ever see each other again after today, we probably will keep talking for another week and then something will come up or one of us will respond late to a text and we just won't talk again." She explained shrugging her shoulders and William picked up on the fact that this had happened to her before.

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