" he was gay and you didn't know? "

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                 › "Okay, yeah that makes sense

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                 › "Okay, yeah that makes sense. I'm sorry for asking you that though, I guess I get kind of protective over that topic. Mainly because I've only ever had one girlfriend who ended up leaving me for my brother, but people still tell me how amazing I am." William explained, really hoping  that she would understand and not see him as a desperate guy who is craving to have a girlfriend.

"No, dude, that totally makes sense. I understand exactly what you went through, my boyfriend cheated on me, too. He didn't end up with my sister though, he ended up with my brother." Astra said, nodding her head as she remembered the memory of her seeing her brother and her ex in public, kissing.

William furrowed his brows, "Wait, he was gay and you didn't know?" William holds back a laugh. She nods her head and starts to chuckle, putting her head in her hands. Although he didn't want to laugh, William couldn't help himself.

"Life teaches you things in the craziest ways." Astra told him and he nodded along knowing she was right. He yawned and sat back against his chair twirling his phone in his hands.

Astra looked at her phone and her eyes widened, "We've been sitting her for four hours. How did time pass by so fast without us noticing."

William looked at her with a puzzled expression on his face, "That long? Wait a second, its one o'clock?" He asked, frantically looking for his phone.

"Yeah, why?" Astra asked him.

William turned on his phone and saw it was well past noon. He had tons of texts and calls from his teammates that he had not heard. William knew that he missed practice and he had to come up with an excuse as to why he didn't show up in the morning.

"I missed practice and didn't even realize," He said and Astra was about to apologize, but he saw it coming, "Don't apologize, if I hadn't been so dumb then I would not have missed practice. Wait, then that also means I wouldn't have met you, so I'm glad I missed it. I just have to come up with some kind of excuse so that the coaches and my teammates get off my back."

"Hey," Astra said, "why don't you tell them that you had a fami- wait, you don't have any family here so that wouldn't work. What about saying you got into an accident? Like nothing major, only big enough for the police to come and write a report." She suggests and he shakes his head.

"That wont work, then they run tests and I'd have to do some physical stuff. Maybe I can say that there was an accident on the way there that caused a ton of traffic and there was no way I would have made it to practice anyways." William says, trying to come up with the best excuse possible.

Astra nodded her head, impressed with the excuse he had come up with, "Yeah, that would be really good, actually."

"Well, I missed it anyways, so i'm gonna hang around you for a while just because I really don't wanna go back home. If I go back that means I'm just gonna be watching Netflix." William states, looking around the room.

Astra smiled at him, "It's a good thing that I don't want you to leave just yet, because if you leave then that means I have to write my essay and I really don't feel like doing that."

William was about to respond to her, but his phone didn't allow him to. He looked at the caller ID to see it was Mitch, one of his teammates, calling him. William excused himself and answered the call.

"What, Mitch?" He asked over the phone.

"Can you open your door? I've been here for like ten minutes and you haven't opened it." Mitch explains, annoyed.

William rolls his eyes, "Maybe cause I'm not home?"

"Well," Mitch says sarcastically, "I didn't think of that. Come home, William, it's important."

William mumbles, "fine," then turns off his phone and looks at Astra with an apologetic look on his face, "I'm so sorry, my friend just called and said that I gotta go home, he said it was important."

Astra looked at William with a small smile on her face, "That's okay, it was really nice meeting you though."

The two stood up and William reached in for a hug. He held her tightly then finally let her go and reached into his pocket, pulling out a hundred dollar bill, "this is for the sweater. I'm so sorry about that, again."

Astra tried to put up a fight and not take the money, but he still managed to convince her to take it.

"Thank you, William. Not for the money, but for today. It was fun." They both said goodbye to one another and William made his way out of the coffee shop.

Astra sat back down on the chair and chuckled to herself as she looked around the coffee shop, thinking of how different things would have been if she never walked into the cafe or if she never went to get sugar for the coffee. Astra packed up her belongings and stood up. She tossed the empty cups in the trash then picked up her phone.

As she picked it up, she got a notification from Instagram.

"@williamnylander has requested to follow you."


and that's the end of this book! i hope you guys liked it. it was meant to be this short by the way and there won't be a sequel or anything


thank you so much for all of the supportive comments on this book. I honestly can't believe how many people enjoyed this book, even though it was so short. I was really scared to post this at first cause it's not the typical fanfiction on wattpad, but thank you so so much for everything :)

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