Abuse Survivors

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Yes, I'm talking to you guys, because you need someone to not talk to you about how weak you were under the thumb of your abuser, whoever they were. You weren't. I know the mantras you whisper to yourself because I echo them with my own whispers.

"I'm smart, why didn't I see through this?"

"Maybe I deserved this."

"How could I have been so weak as to let it go on as long as it did?"

Hush my lovelies. Listen. What happened to you, to us, wasn't your fault. To borrow words from a friend of mine, don't hate yourself for being strong enough to love someone. I didn't use to think love took strength. It used to be the easiest thing in the world, but now I understand that it hurts sometimes, and it's struggling.

You lived that struggle. Some of us don't. You found that deep, animalistic strength and you fought the abuser, your family, your friends, and even yourself to get away. You got away. Not everyone does. I almost didn't. You are a survivor. You deserve to be happy more than most do. I'm so proud of you for walking away and having the strength to look at the face that that bastard made you hate in the mirror and clean it. The strength to let that pain flow out of you every time you cry.

It gets better, darling, remember that. If you just breathe and try to let go of it, and remember that they are the exception, not the rule, you will eventually learn to be happy again.

Good luck to you. I hope and pray that one day your battle ends, because once it does, adjusting back to life will be the hardest and most exciting thing that has ever happened. I promise.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2017 ⏰

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