Update for all stories #1

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Hi hello! Alright, so there's something going on with my laptop where I need to buy Word or something to continue writing meaning that until I do that I can't finish any of my stories which means delays even though I haven't been on a whole lot anyways. I won't be able to do a whole lot until I get Word to let me save my shite. Also school's about to start so I might be doing more writing considering my stories on here... Well, some of them... Are actually things I read and write for Writers' club in school. I'm in my second year of high school now (Officially), and with that being said, I don't have long before I have to get my own laptop and get my own stuff done. I can't write any of my stories until I get my laptop or I activate Word (I finally remembered what it was) so I won't be doing a whole lot on here until mid-late August. Even then, I have band competitions to go to so it'll be a lot of juggling going on until everything ends again.

Survive- For those of you reading this who are waiting for a new chapter of Survive, it's not complete yet, but I'm working on it. I got it started and yes, I do apologize for what I did to Collin last chapter, but it gets better, I promise. My flash drive (Where I save all of my stories) is lost for the moment, so when I find that I'll try to copy everything over to a new system of writing and get that out. No promises though, as I'm not very familiar with this laptop I have now. I don't use it a whole lot so I don't really know the controls as well as you might think.

The Story of our Eyes- If anyone is awaiting a new chapter I have it about halfway done. I still need to figure out how I'm going to make everything turn out for this chapter but it might be coming together. Like I said in my Survive update above, my flash drive is lost but when I find it, I'll do the same thing as I promised the Survive readers. I'll get a new chapter out ASAP!

New stories- Okay, so I have a few WIPs but they're also on my flash drive so I can't work on those until I find it. I have one that I'm quite excited or and then one that I don't have enough characters for. If you want to be in that one, you can comment below or if you have my Facebook you can also message me. It's quite simple, actually. It's just a story about people with powers of elements. There's also people with Dark and Light Magic. If you comment or message me on Facebook, I'll give you a list of what's available and you'll also have to make a character or you can just use yourself as your character. I got inspiration from this work right here (This is also my beta reader's profile so go follow him. He's an amazing writer! https://www.wattpad.com/278462130-life-of-a-less-than-super-human-prologue)! I don't have a name for the story yet and I'm not just gonna /steal/ the name he put for his cause 1: His story is more badass than all of mine combined and 2: That would be rude. The one that I'm excited for... Well, I had up to chapter 20 in plot on my phone, but guess what? My phone BROKE! I lost all of my stories that were on my phone (Even my SanZo fanfic T^T), and I was starting chapter 20 simply because it's NSFW... I'm not good at that type of stuff so I was gonna write it on there to get it done and then just copy it onto a Word document but WORD IS BEING A LITTLE SHITE TOO!

Alright, that's it for this update. If anything else happens I'll do another one. I just don't feel like putting updates in my stories when I can just put them here.

P.S- I see that the link isn't working, so you can either copy and paste the link or you can read a little further so I can tell you what to look up.

Look up Crimson Alchemist or RedAlchemist1740 on Wattpad. Go to his profile where you'll see some stories (Of course). The story is the first one with the most reads called "Life of a Less-Than-Super Human". I love the story and I think you guys will to. This LEGIT is my beta reader, like I'm not lying to you guys. However, if you decide to ask him "Oh, are you Zombie Girl's beta reader?", he doesn't know that I have a Wattpad account (As far as I know), so he'll either say "No" "Who?", or something along the lines of "Are you talking about Dani?" because he could honestly be a lot of people's beta readers and I don't know about it, but I wouldn't really care because he offered to help me out with my writing and he's a nice guy.

Btw he's not very active on Wattpad so if you ask him here, he probably won't reply. Just saying.

- Dani ^^

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