Life Update

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So, I got an iPad and I'm still trying to figure out how to use it. But currently everything will be on hold until I get an adaptor for my flash drive so I can continue stuff. But there is a new story coming soon so just be prepared. The Story of Our Eyes is going to be on hold until I get the motivation back to continue it so it might be a bit. Survive will be on hold until I get the flash drive adaptor thing. The new story is currently being written in my notebook and I'm working on chapter 9? Yeah... So I have a bit done on that and it's definitely not my best work so don't give me shite about it cause I'm not trying as hard on it as I am Survive. Everything is getting there so don't worry. Everything is getting sorted out.

So, I know I've explained some stuff about my parents before, but recently they got into another fight. Now my dad has a no contact order with my mom and I see him a bit but he just can't come home for a year. It's been exactly a week since everything went down but everything is getting better with my family and such so... everything will get itself worked out sooner or later. But I'm fine, my family is fine, I can still do stuff so it's not that big of a deal. I still get to see my dad so I'm not too worried about it

Okay, but the thing is, I've been doing absolutely nothing over the summer so I've probably lost some skill with writing. I'm writing a bit at home in a notebook to see how much was retained so... yeah...

Okay, so there might actually be two stories up soon but it all depends on how I'm doing with schoolwork. Right now I'm actually horrible in geometry so bear with me.

Anyway, I think that sums stuff up. So I'll just leave this here and uh... yeah...

-Dani ^^

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