Update for Survive #1

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Okay, so I got a part uploaded last week. I have other stories that I'm trying to work on all at the same time, but for this story in particular, I don't have a set update time. I haven't started on chapter five yet, so it might be a while for the next one to come out if you guys are following that one. I plan on giving a chance for the character's survival, and I don't know if I'm gonna make chapter five more about Collin and Lucas, Lucas and Isabelle, Collin and Nathan, or any of them. It might be a chapter strictly about Isabelle or strictly about Collin or something like that. It might be about Collin, Nathan, and Lucas all together or something, I don't know! I'm trying to figure out what I'm gonna do, and considering school is in right now, I have to focus on that as well. It's harder than you think if you're trying to focus on one story and then you think "Hey! Maybe I should make TWO NEW STORIES TONIGHT!"... Yes, I made two new stories last night, and I regret everything. I might delete one but I know the one called They Speak is gonna stay because I like that one. Anyways, that's all for this update. If you have a suggestion on what I should make the next chapter about, comment below and I'll respond with my thoughts because right now, I don't have a god damn clue on what I'm doing with it.

-Dani ^^

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