Okay, listen for a minute

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So, I've been have a decent week, but only after the death of my cat Sassy, getting into multiple fights with my boyfriend Andrew (although they're pretty minor), my parents getting the cops called on them and my mom getting out of jail only about a month ago, being sent to my grandma's while my dad is at work and having to stay there for an entire week and a half because of DHS, having to start studying for my ACT's and SAT's, worrying about my mom's current health as I have no idea if it's just a common cold or something more...

Yeah, shit's been happening, but I'm alright now. I just know that there's gonna be so much more going on. But I'm trying to work on my stories as much as I can with the little free time I have now. During the summer, I probably won't be able to update at all due to the lack of internet and my computer charger breaking around October/November...

I'm just worrying a lot because I'm not entirely sure if I'll be able to start working on things again until I'm in college. Even then, I probably won't get to work on anything other than schoolwork. I'm really trying to get things in order, but it's so damn hard to do. The only reason I'm able to post this update is because I'm currently in study hall on an early out and have no homework to do for once. My laptop is at a decent charge for once, maybe because I borrowed a friend's charger in band while we were practicing for Pella's Tulip Festival in a few weeks (I think it's on the 4th of May?) Or maybe it's the 3rd...). Or maybe because I wasn't actually working on homework until it died...

But since my week is going well, I might be able to get a chapter of Survive up or maybe start working on something else, I have no idea.

The Story Of Our Eyes is going to be idle for a while, since I'm not too fond of that story and I've started a new one, which I might post later on *wink wonk*.

I've started the new chapter of Survive, but I'm not very far with it. It's getting there, I promise.

I do have a new story I would like to post but I really think that I'm going to delete about half of my stories because they're just there... But, well, there's actually two stories I might post on here... So, surprise.

Less than a month until I turn 16 so I may do something special for my 16th ^^

Well, I think that's it for a while... I'm not sure how long it'll be until I start working on the stories again but just gimme a minute...

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