The atack

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Misaki above

Misaki POV
I was in the basement looking at a picture book with Kaname and Yuki when Father and Mother enter the room and Mother rushes Yuki into the closset . Kaname looks at me and runs of with Father . That is when i know Rido has come for Yuki and i. When mother is done with yuki she comes to me and says" your father and i will always love you " with that she gave me a pendant.  i ran into the snowy woods. When i left the manssion i saw that Father was fighting  rido . That is when a hunters sowrd goes throgh him and he vanishes . I sob and Rido hears it . Kaname tells me to run and i do . When i get deeper in the woods i am still shocked I witnessed father die . What happened to Mother. I was lost in thought i didin't notice a monster was comming at me . I screamed and a gracefull creature atacked the monster . That is when i heard someone say " Misak... i love you " before everything went black . When i woke up i was in the snowy woods . I was confused as to how i got here . When i looked around all i had was a pendant and a ring on my finger. A few minutes latter a Man and a woman  found me and asked" who i was and what i was doing in the woods alone . I answered " i am Misaki and i don't know why i am here. After that the Man and the Woman Took me in as their own and That is how i came to know of Vampires and Vampire hunters . My Adoptive Parrents were Vampire hunters . They taught me all i know untill they were slaughtered.  After that one year i jumped from foster family to foster family. I learned to not atach to anyone . Now at 19 i am adopted by Kain Cross the headmaster of Cross academy.

Misaki POV
I am currently  in the gates off cross academy and i am nervous . When i enter the gates i hear girls screaming and i decide to go toward it . When i do i see a crowd of girls in black uniforms screaming at boys and girls  in White uniforms
Those must be the night class . The Vampires . When i enter a girl with redishbrown  long hair is trying to hold back the crowd while a boy with silver hair is leaning against  the wall . I got iritated that the guy was doing nothing so i said " HEY YOU STOP SITTING DOWN LIKE A DUCK AND GO HELP THE POOR GIRL!" I said angerly. The guy looked at me with a bored expression . I then got even more mad . I ran up the wall and stood on the wall . I then said to the girls " Back off before i make you!!" The girls all stopped screaming and stood in single line. A girl then said " Who is she ?" I jumped off the wall with grace and walked toward the girl i then said " i am Misaki Cross and you all better remember that " with that i started wallking away . Then the girl came up to me and when i turned around she gasped. I stood confused when she shook her haid and said " i am Yuki crooss you little sister from now on" i

Yuki.... why is that so familiar.
I nodded and that is when i noticed the guy from earlier.  He came up to us and said " Hey you didin't have to embarass me like that ."i shruged and Yuki  brought me to the headmasters office . When we all entered the headmaster ran to Yuki and said " Yuki give me a hug !!" Yuki moved away causing him to hit the wall . He then looked at me and said " you must be Misaki. I am Kein Cross but you can call me dad . " j smiled and he then said " Because you are a vampire hunter you know of the vampires living in this school knowm as the night class" i  said yes and he then took out a box and gave it to me   when i opened it .was a gun with the words Arthremis in cursice. I took it out and felt it . I put it back in the box and thanked him . He then said " as a hunter you already have weapons . I noded and took off my Ring and i toched the gem . It turned into a sword  . Dad was stunned. He said " The hunters have never made something like this . " i then said " this and this  i said pointing at my neclace are the only things i have of my biological parrents "  i turned the sword into a ring and Dad said " Yuki can you take Misaki to her dorm "
When we were walking iYuki said " My brother was looking at you " i said " who ? I wassan't paying attention.  " she then said " Kaname Kuran is my brother the pureblood leader . I am hus sister my real name is Yuki Kuran " i noded and we arived at my dorm . Yuki then said " if you need anything i am the dorm nextdoor . " i noded and started putting my things away . I put my guitar in the corner and my piano . When i was done i put on my uniform and put my band as guardian . When i exited the dorm room Yuki and Zero were hding hands.  I looked at them and said " didin't see that comming " Yuki then said " hey Misaki this is Zero my boyfriend" i noded toward him and gave him a slight glare if he hurt her . When we went patrolling i said " you too patrool over there i will potroll near the Moon dorms " They noded and i walked to atree that was close to the moon dorms .  I decided to sit on a branch and lean on the tree to get a better sight . I decided to sing to pass time. I sang stars dance by selena gomez.

Kaname POV
After the crossover the girl that screamed at zero caught my eye . I coulden't see her face but she had a tall frame unlike yuki and hadno Juri's redishbrown hair . She was in my head the whole time durring class . I was looking throght he window when i heard singing . When i looked the new girl Misaki had the gardian band on her arm and she was sitting on a tree . The moonlight shined on her and i saw her face. She looked identical to Juri!! She can't be My Misaki can she . My love. The only way to know is if she has the Ring i gave her and the pendant Juri gave her . I watched her untill she stoped singing and jumped off the tree and landed gracefully on the grass . When classes were over i went to my dorm to think . Could it really be her.
Misaki POV
When i finished patroll i slept for an hour and i had to head to class . When i got changed i walked outside and saw Zero and Yuki were waiting for me . We all walked to. Class and the teacher made me introduce myself. I said " i am Misaki Cross older sister of Yuki Cross. " the teacher made me sit down next to yuki . It was the mittle of class and yuki and Zero fell asleep . When it was time for the crossover i woke up Zero and Yuki. We all walked to the gates and wen we got there the girls screaming and some were trying to climb the fence. When the night class walked out yuki and i were holding back the girls . I was mostlt thretening them untill zero said " Go to class all of you !!" I finished for him by saying " keep it up and i will make sure you all go to your dorms early PERMINENTLY" The girls all ran toward their dorms . I turned to the Night class and i saw the leader was looking at me . I then said " What waiting for an invitation go!" They all left but the leader still looked at me before using vampire speed to catch up with the group .  When i got to my dorm i decided to sing a song . I decided on we'll be stars by Sabrina Carpenter . When i finished the song i heard claping . When i looked up Yuki was at my door . She then said " that was beautiful . You really can sing . You remind me of My mom she loved music . " i don'r know why but that made me smile .

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