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Now James is living with me and I'm still managing to avoid him. I don't know how but he seemed to respect my space practically living in the guest room he would wait until I left to come out and get food. (Don't know about you guys but I avoid people when there is a tension and let them come to me ~Kyro) It's been two days I'm gonna confront him I thought walking out of my room and to knock on his door. The Brit groaned and stood up to open his door.

"One second." He called opening the door with his hair messy in his boxers his chest bare he held up his finger and closed the door. "Crap" he grumbled to himself as he opened the door again this time he had pajama pants. 

"Hey, James," I replied monotonously but, he has now dressed a little more appropriately.

"What happened to you," James asked he was confused as to the way I would respond monotone like a robot constructed with no emotion.

"What do you mean" I responded like a broken little robot.

"I mean, What made you break?" James responded with a pure concern for me. I frowned and shrugged not having an answer.

"You know you just don't know how to tell me" James countered catching my lie. I shrugged again avoiding him is what I should have continued doing. He sighed and looked me in the eyes as if searching for something.

He looked through me before nodding and walking back into his room. He closed his door leaving me in the hallway as he flopped back onto his bed. I sighed and went to the kitchen to make hot chocolate. After I left I could hear his squeaky British voice mumbling something incoherent as I made my hot cocoa. I moved closer to his door silently I know I shouldn't eaves drop but I was concerned for the love of my life. As I moved closer I could finally hear his voice.

"I was so stupid, I'm such a bad person, I deserve this completely. I shouldn't have let Tom pressure me into it. This is all Toms fault." Tom this Tom that he either blamed it on himself or Tom never once did he think it was my fault. Which it was It was my fault I hid my emotions from him and I didn't know how to explain it. Sighing softly I moved away from the door trying to be as quiet as possible except I ran into the wall and winced luckily I saved the hot chocolate but unfortunately, I had made a lot of noise 

'way to go stupid' that little annoying voice in my head said it was always so negative jeez I sighed again and rubbed my forehead with my free hand (that would be me you can ask can Kyro for proof I would run into walls at home or in general ~Luna That is true ~Kyro) 

I heard James stop talking and he seemed to be crying I had to leave I had to leave now. I walked to my car going to get groceries unknowing of what James would do while I was gone. I went to the coffee shop calling Tom.

(Tom is T: and Y/n is M: ~Kyro)

T: England bagging service you tag 'em we bag 'em how may I help you?

M: Tom this is no joke I can't talk to James right now

Tom paused it scared me

T: Uhm Y/n You need to go home right now

M: Why Tom didn't you just hear what I said

T: Y/n James is going to hurt himself please listen to me go home

M: Tom what do you mean

T: No time go

He then hung up on me and left me to drive home meeting Tom's audi TT in the driveway I knew he was serious and ran into the house. I saw Tom balling on the floor in front of James' room 'This is all your fault you stupid f*cking idiot' my mind yelled at me. I flinched at what my mind told me.

"T tom?" I stuttered quietly my eyes wide.

Tom stared at me "J-james he-he's" he whispered pointing at James' door.

I tried the knob and it was locked I ran to my room for the key. I grabbed it bring it back unlocking the door there was James luckily perfectly fine he passed out using a sleeping pill. I sighed I didn't know James got that suicidal.

I sighed looking at Tom then at James running a hand through my hair frowning slightly

"Why didn't you tell me" I accused Tom who looked up at me weakly.

"I thought you knew" he squeaked looking over at James' body

"He'll be fine" I replied monotone as I still watched him.

Tom shook his head "I'll just leave" he responded. I grumbled a response as he left once he was gone a growl rumbled in my throat 'how did he miss something that important?' I watched the night fly by I had tea and cocoa watching his door waiting for James. He hadn't woken and it was nearly noon at this point I spent most of the time creating videos for insomnia. I appearently had fallen asleep at my desk as I was woken up by James at 16:00 (or 4:00 for you americans).

"Y/n" he called sweetly shaking my shoulder getting a grumble in response.

"What" I growled with much emotion in my sleep.

He was hurt but walked away letting me sleep. Sleep on my desk the computer still running. But he left none the less as I slept deeply. My dreams invaded by shadowy figures. Old memories and overall why I never wanted James here in the first place.
Woooo almost 1000 words without this note anyway don't forget to hit that vote button and cooment and follow for more content like this ~Kyro

You sound like a YouTuber Kyro I mean I know you are but you sound like your doing an outro wait does that even make sense? Anyways good day to all of you readers out there we are sorry for the slow updates ~Luna

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