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Present time

Y/n's pov
{Hey Y'all it's kyro I want to say after Luna and I broke up we haven't worked well together but I really don't want to give up on this story. I hope Luna will think the same way but I doubt it also during that time I came out as Trans I'm a boy now and I recently started rewatching Mianite. That's what made me think of this story anyway I'll write this chapter and see how you guys feel.~Kyro}

I sighed looking at my letter what the fuck do I do with this. I thought i didn't know weather to give it to him or not. I finally decided to tape the note to his room door. I knocked and ran to my room once I heard the other Brit groan. I heard the crinkle of the paper and held my breathe. Once I heard the door shut I exhaled hastily. Slowly exiting my room only to see him standing in the kitchen with the paper. I yelped practically falling back into my room cursing at myself. 'How the fuck did you not notice that idiot'the voice said. I heard him distinctly chuckle out in the kitchen he saw that. I covered my face in embarrassment suddenly I heard James outside my door. "You know Y/N I told you so many times I'm not like them." He paused hoping I would say something. When I didn't he continued, "In fact after my Father passed my mum killed herself and left me alone." He sniffled,"I told Tom everything I let Tom convince me you needed me but obviously he was wrong."

At this point I had to stop him I opened the door obviously startling him. He yelped looking down at me. Suddenly his arms wrapped around me and basically suffocated me. "God James I still need air." I joked for the first time in years.

I think I honestly surprised James too, because he released me and just stared at me. I just stared back dumbfounded by my own comment. I just sighed "I'm sorry James." I said he stopped me from continuing.

"No, I'm sorry." He said, chuckling.

"So, I guess Thomas got both of us to agree to this." I said and I saw the look in James' eyes.

"That little bitch!" James cursed his signature chuckle happened afterwards I chuckled to his nervous laughter got me everytime.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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