The person behind the door

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Recap to last chapter...
I was in the music room when I heard a voice. Who's there. Oh sorry I'll just lea--. No you don't have to. O-ok who are you can you come out. The person came out and it was...
It was Aaron. "A-Aaron!?" "Y/N!?" "Nice to see you Aaron." You too. We walked out the music room. When we got to the lunch area Garroth came up and said, "Aaron get away from my little sister." Fine I'll go. He left. "Garroth, Aaron is a nice guy he's not mean." "Ok fine, but he can't get too touchy." "Garroth!" I was blushing deep red. "Ok I'm sorry."
It's fi--. The bell rang. Let's get to class
Time Skip to the end of the day because Lizzy is lazy
I got home and went to my room. When I got there I texted Aaron. "Hey Aaron." "Oh hi y/n, how are you?" I'm good. And then we talked for a long time after that I did homework. I went to sleep and started dreaming. When I woke up I did what I usually do. I got ready for school and walked to school with Garroth. When I walked into school I got pushed around. "Hey! Stop it." Why should we your fun to play around with." "Ivy leave my little sister alone!" "Oh hi Garroth." Ivy go away now! "Hmph fine." Are you ok y/n? "Don't worry about me this happened to me several times at my old school.

Time skip to end of day
I got home and did homework. After I did that I went to bed and started dreaming.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Bye

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