Chapter 45

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Enjoy 3.5k words my loves! <3


I'm nervous on the car ride to Scott's house. I try to distract myself with my phone and the car radio but I just end up sighing and hugging my backpack to my chest. 

"So you're just going to study with a friend from school?" Mom asks, turning down the radio. 

"Um, yup." I lie.

"Does this friend happen to be Scott by any chance?" My mom questions with a smirk.

I clutch tighter onto my backpack that's secretly filled with Scott's presents and some snacks that I got the day before with Esther and Kirstie. Mom just thinks that I'm bring along textbooks and school supplies. 

I give a timid shrug. 

"I knew it!" Mom cheers. "Honey, why didn't you just tell me? You know I approve of you and Scott."

I roll my eyes. I don't need her approval. 

"Yeah, mom. Thanks." I murmur. 

"Mitch..." My mom says sadly, now turning the radio down completely. "I wish you would talk to me more. I'm your mother."

Yes, my very very strict mother. 

But she was still my mother. I sighed quietly. "I know, I'm sorry. I've just been busy but I promise I'm not like hiding any crazy secrets from you."

She nods, pulling into Scott's neighborhood. "I'm gonna need you to help me out from here, kiddo. What's the address?"

I give mom the address and soon I'm hopping out of the car. "Thanks mom! Scott will drop me back at home later this evening."

"Okay. 10:00." 

I roll my eyes a little. "Come on mom, we're celebrating his birthday. 11? Please?" I beg, giving my best puppy-dog eyes.

Mom sighs and I almost think she's giving in. "I want you in your bed at 10:30."

I agree silently and walk up the sidewalk as mom drives off.

I take a big breath in before slowly letting it out and knock twice. 

Scott is opening the door not a second later. He looks so good, black beanie, athletic pants and a blue hoodie. He's also wearing really cute jurassic park socks and I smile a little at them. 

I've never seen him look so casual, so naturally I start to feel a bit overdressed, sporting my favorite patterned sweaters and skinny black jeans. I'm also wearing white adidas and some ring accessories. 

"Wow." Scott breathes, a look of something resembling amazement playing onto his features. "You look stunning."

I give a shy smile. "Thank you, you look cute. I like your socks."

"Oh, thanks!" Scott laughs. "Jurassic park is one of my all time favorite movies as you might have remembered, so I actually chose that as the first movie for my Birth-Date Spectacular." 

I laugh a little. "I'm definitely okay with that."

"Oh, sorry. Come on in, boyfriend." Scott says, pulling me inside and wrapping me in his arms, pulling away with a peck to the top of my head.

He smells so good. 

"That was nice, boyfriend." I grin.

"Well, I like to hug my boyfriend." Scott says, leading me to the couch he had set up with lots of blankets and pillows in front of a large tv. He also stacked a lot of movies on the coffee table in front of the couch. 

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