Chapter 58

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A/N: Sorry this is hella short but I'm back, y'all.


Every day little by little I was starting to feel more like my old self. It was only possible because of people like Kirstie, my parents, Scott and his parents. I had a bigger support system than ever before of people who accepted me and let me be myself. Alex was even beginning to come around and we had actually starting talking to each other again a couple of days ago and even had plans to hang out soon.

I was on my laptop facetiming Scott. He had been telling me about how his grades were improving and his counselor reccomended that he take the SAT and start looking at some colleges. 

"So he thinks you'll graduate?!" I ask excitedly. "Oh my God, Scotty. That's so amazing. I'm so proud of you baby! We need to celebrate. When are you off from work?" 

Scott just chuckles. "You seem more excited than I am."

I watch through the screen as he runs his hand through his hair. I knew him long enough now to know that he had something on his mind that was bothering him.

"What is it?" I ask carefully, knowing that when I nudge at Scott too roughly he lets his walls up and pretends everything is alright.

"Hm? Nothing. Just.... I don't know."

I must have made some sort of face because he elaborates. "I don't do well in tests and the SAT is like a really big deal... Also, looking at colleges scares me because it means I'll have to move out and leave everyone in Alrington, and you... Which I'm not ready for. And I mean, that's if I even get accepted anywhere."

I frown. "You can't think that negatively babe. And you could, if you wanted to, apply to schools in or near Alrington, you know."

He shruggs a little and sighs. "Yeah... yeah. I think I'm just nervous because everything is going so well for me that I'm just afraid of screwing it up and failing."

I shake my head. "That's not gonna happen though, you're not going to fail. I'm so excited to see you graduate! When are you picking up your cap and gown?" I ask, trying to take his mind off of the negativity.

"I haven't ordered it yet, but I have to do those like senior pictures because Shelly is convinced I'll want it to show my kids someday or something like that." 

Scott and I had never really talked about kids, at least not seriously...  The thought of children scared me because I'm only 15, and whenever Scott would bring up kids I would just get nervous.

"I think you should do it too, it will be fun." I say genuinely. 

Scott straightens out his back from where he was slouching at his desk. "Ow, my spine." He hisses. "Mitchy, I want to hold you." 

"Are you okay?" I question, seeing the grimace on his face.

"Mhm. I miss you."

I giggle. "You saw me three days ago."

"So what? You don't miss me, too?" He pouts. 

"You're so cute, of course I do. You still haven't told me when you're off from work, though."

"I got called off for thursday."

"Okay, I'm gonna take you out." I blush.

"Okay gorgeous, I can't wait." Scott sighs happily. "Now, tell me about you and Alex? Are you guys cool now or what?"


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