Chapter 81

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Hi, everyone! It's been a while since I have updated this story, and I am very sorry for that. However, it's winter break and I have a lot of free time, and I also have been feeling the urge to write again. 

This chapter is dedicated to one of my lovely readers, SHxMG_feels.  Thank you for encouraging me to write more and for enjoying my story. 

I hope everyone is enjoying the Holidays! Stay tuned for a Quiet & Riot Christmas special on Christmas day! :) 

Now, on to the chapter!

 --Queen <3                                                                                                                                  


Mitch and I eventually made up after going a week without speaking to one another. 

After being apart and not in contact with one another for 5 years when I first moved out to LA, we mutually decided that we couldn't handle anything like that ever happening again. It was too painful to be mad at him, and he must've felt the same way since he was the one to break the silence. 

He had shown up to the studio one evening when I was having a particularly stressful writing session, and we ended up hugging it out before he'd even gotten a chance to say sorry. 

His apology was heartfelt, and I could sense the sadness and regret in his voice as he spoke. 

"I'm sorry," he spoke, barely at a whisper, through soft sobs. "Being intimate with you again just reminded me of the past and how you left me afterward, so I just subconsciously fucked things up in order to I guess protect myself? I don't really know, but what I do know is that you didn't deserve that and I wish I could take back everything that I said."

"Mitchy, what?" I questioned, holding him closer to my chest. "I should be the one apologizing for slut-shaming you. Stop it, please stop crying. I can't stand it. Listen, if it's only sex that puts too much strain on our relationship, we don't have to be intimate. I just don't want to fight anymore." 

I knew Mitch inside and out, probably better than anyone else knew him, so I knew how hard it was for him to find the courage to come here and apologize to me. 

"I know you didn't mean it." He responds, tightening his arms around my torso and scratching my back with his long nails. "I forgive you if you forgive me." 

I couldn't bear the sadness in his voice another minute. "Of course I forgive you, Mitch. But you know, you didn't have to come here. You could have just called or even texted me. I really appreciate it though."

"Thank god. I love you, Scotty." He pulls away from our embrace slightly to look up at my face and when I look down at his, I use my fingertip to wipe any visible tears from his face. 

"I love you more, Mitchy," I respond, pecking the perfect skin of his cheek. "Please stop crying."

He nods. "I know you're busy right now, but I'm going out with friends a little later. Would you like to join us? I miss you."

I would love to join, and I really didn't want Mitch to be upset anymore. "You think you can just get me back that easily?" I question, grabbing onto Mitch's small waist with both of my large hands. "I think you deserve a little punishment first." 

He just stares at me confused. "Wha-?" 

"-NO!" he screeches a millisecond later, smacking me on my chest with little balled up fists as I ferociously tickle his sides. 

We're both laughing and I end up pinning him onto the couch in my studio as I continue my tickle-assault. 

"Now you're really sorry, aren't you?" I ask teasingly. "Maybe now you've learned your lesson about being mean to me."


Once Mitch left (after another hour of talking) and I was on good terms with my muse, the remainder of my writing session flew by with ease. 


Currently, after making up and swearing to never ever slut-shame Mitch again, we were both out hitting up some popular gay bars in the LA area with friends. We were with Mario, Gabi, Niki, Megg, Luke, Austin, Jordan and Linsday. 

Our group started off dancing together in the VIP lounge, but eventually, everyone began to partner up with strangers and I was left sitting at the bar, watching Mitch dance with a very attractive man that was whispering something in his ear. 

But of course, I knew exactly what Mitch was doing. Nearly the whole time he was dancing and making out with his new "friend", he stared right at me. He was trying to make me jealous.

Maybe if I were a little younger I would have said, "Two can play that game" and find my own dance partner to get back at Mitch. But, currently, I knew exactly what I wanted and I didn't want to play around. Besides, Mitch already knew he was all mine. He just hadn't admitted it to himself yet. 

"Excuse me, gentlemen," I say to Mitch and his dance partner before wrapping a strong and protective arm around Mitch's neck and down across his shoulder to his chest. "Sorry to interrupt, but I would like to steal my boyfriend back."

"Oh, shit, I'm so sorry. I had no idea he had a boyfriend." the man said after examining how much taller I was, before throwing his hands up in surrender. 

After he walked away, mitch shrugged my arm off of him and rolled his eyes. "Really, Scotty? You're no fun. Didn't want to play my game?"

"No, Mitch. I'm tired of playing games." I sigh. "I need a cigarette."

 Mitch stops me as I head for one of the backlot exits. "You're smoking again?"

I shrug. "Only when I'm stressed and frustrated." 

He scoffs, crossing his arms. "Scott Richard Hoying, don't you dare. Why are you stressed?"

I groan. "Now you're no fun."

"I was just messing around, Scotty. You know I wasn't actually interested in him. He was shorter than I am!"

I chuckle. "Whatever, Mitch. I think I'm ready to head out, can I give you a ride?"

He thinks for a moment and scans the room. "Yeah, but I was actually hoping that we could hang out a little more, just us? If that's okay? I just need to find Austin and let them know I'm going because he was my ride."

I smile and just admire my boy for a moment. "When have I ever said no to spending more time with you?" 


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