Chapter 57

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Here's a long treat as an apology for how long it's been since the last update. College is busy work!

But I haven't forgotten any of you or this story, so please enjoy. :) <3

I woke up on a sunny Saturday morning feeling the most well-rested I had in a while. It was nice to be home schooled and work at my own pace, it gave me a lot of more time to self-reflect and work on my mental health.

Alex was still being awkward with me and began ignoring my texts and bailing out on Kirst whenever she would invite us all out together. It was extremely childish and petty of him, and it made me feel anxious all of the time, so I was pissed at him for putting me through that knowing I suffer from anxiety. Kirstie told me she's been trying with him, but he's apparently heartbroken that I don't view him as anything but a brother.

I hated to hurt him, but I already apologized and he decided to ignore me. It was frustrating but I just needed and wanted my best friend back.

Scott had been telling me to let it go and focus on other people for my own sanity's sake, and listening to him helped ease my anxiety, but as always it still lingered.

I would often find myself google searching different medicines that people who suffer from anxiety and depression take for relief, but I'm always too scared to actually seek help. In my mind, seeking help means that I'm broken and need to be fixed. I don't want to be a broken burden to my friends and family... to Scott... so I just try to suck it up and live my life.

But these days, I just need a relief. I was looking forward to spending time with Scott today. He always makes me calmer with the way he just understands me. My thoughts, needs, mind. He understands all of me like no one has before, and I him.

I quickly get ready and call Kirstie as I promised her I would last night.

She answers cheerily. "Mitchy! You remembered to call."

"What's up, sunshine? You sound happy today."

She chuckles. "I am happy, and here's why. We're gonna go, drumroll please, car shopping!"

I can't help but feel happy at the contagious joy in her voice, but I already had plans for the day and hated to miss out and disappoint her.

"You're gonna be annoyed, but Scott called last night and I'm going over to his place for a study date and to hang out today."

I can hear the sigh and disappointed in her voice that follows. "Ugh, boo. But I can't be sad because for once, I'm the single friend and you're in a relationship with an actually really great guy. So have fun and tell me about everything afterwards, because we both know you won't be doing much studying."

I scoff. "Wrong, but whatever. Scott and I focus a lot during our study dates, thank you very much."

"Mhm, focus on fucking."

My face goes red. "No. We focus on... well, studying."

Kirstie probably thinks that we've fucked before, but we really haven't done anything yet because I'm just not ready for that and as much as I don't want to admit it, the age gap scares me a little.

"Right... Anyway, I guess I'm just going with Alex then."

"Alex?" I question shyly. "How is he?"

"Fine I guess... Why do you care? I thought that he's been cross with you."

"Yeah, but obviously he's still my best friend and I wonder about him sometimes. We used to speak so often that now it just feels like something's missing with him avoiding me at all costs."

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