Chapter 9 - (Bunny) Better than Cartman

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Butters sighed, landing on his bed holding one of his notebooks close to his chest. Once again his parents had locked him in his bedroom, and of course, Butters was bored. Butters’ father protested it was to keep him safe, but Butters knew that it was just to keep him away from Kenny. 

Hearing a knock at his window, Butters slowly walked over to it, smiling at who he saw. “Kenny. What are you doing here?”

“Buttercup, what are you doing way up their like Juliet?” Kenny asked, Butters sighed. 

“I’m locked in again I can’t leave remember?” Butters asked. Kenny shrugged.

“You could climb down.” Kenny suggested,

 “I’ll fall.” Butters answered,

“Then I’ll climb up.” Kenny replied his voice smug as he climbed up the tree.

“K-Kenny! Stop you’ll hurt yourself!” Butters protested, quickly Kenny jumped into Butters room.

“I take that back, your more like Rapunzel, Buttercup.” Kenny answered, earning a soft prod on his shoulder since Butters couldn’t bring himself to hit anyone.

“Kenny, you could of gotten hurt. Why did you come here in the first place?” Butters asked.

“I couldn’t leave my little Butterscotch up here all by himself now could I?” Kenny replied, Butters blushed slightly, but still put his hands on his hips.

“Your the worst boyfriend ever.” Butters muttered, Kenny smirked. 

“I know,” Kenny answered, kissing Butters’ cheek softly, “Least I’m better than Cartman.” 

South Park - ONESHOTS!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora