Esmé Holloway- Chapter 3

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After about a half hour of walking a man approached us, he wore a police man suit and wraparound sunglasses. What's he doing here? I thought, "Hello ma'am." He said in a husky tone, "Yes?" She answered and started fidgeting, "I see you're walking with your two children.. May I ask where..?" He replied, Jemma and I shared a look that said "I don't trust this man," we nodded in agreement, "We're heading to the airport." Ms. P replied curtly, "Why don't I escort you there?" He smirked and looked towards a police car, "Thank you, but no worries. We're fine on our own." She lifted her head and started walking away, Jemma and I shrugged and ran after her.
"Who was that man?" Jemma asked.
"Most likely a wight"
"A what?"
"Wights, I'll tell you once we reach home.." Ms. P frowned and carried on, "Let's hurry, we can't let them catch us." She picked up her pace as we walked faster. The sun dipped down slightly, rays of red shone our way.
Half an hour later

"We're almost here..!" Ms. Peregrine's voice sounded a tiny bit higher, we smiled as our feet were starting to feel sore.
"Almost where Miss?" I asked, "The airport, lets go quickly. We mustn't run into anymore wights." She focused ahead, soon the airport came into view, Ms. Peregrine sighed like she was relieved. "Where are we flying to Ms. P?" Asked Jemma, "Australia to London, most likely. We might need to stop on the way.." she frowned, considering her options, "Australia to London." Ms. Peregrine said decisively. I nodded as Jemma bounced around, excited, "I can't wait! I've always wanted to go to London!" She squealed softly, Ms. P just smiled to herself as I laughed, "Yes, of course!" She said as we went into the airport.
A buzz of noise filled our ears, all of us headed straight to the baggage checkout, "We haven't packed!" I said suddenly, "We'll have clothes for you, don't worry. Now, before we take off do you want to buy anything?" She shrugged as I fished out a fifty dollars in my pocket, "Use this," Ms. P gave us both a hundred dollars as we stared wide eyed,"That's a lot of money you have Miss!" Jemma exclaimed, I nodded along with her still staring at the money, "Don't worry, child, I have more!" She pushed the money into our hand, we looked at each other excitedly, "C'mon then! Let's go!" I said and pulled Jemma along by the wrist.
We walked along small shops, I immediately went into a shop that sold records and disks, who knows? She might have a record player! I bounced along and studied the disks like they were books, Jemma walked to the aisle next to me and started browsing, "Esmé, there's so many perfumes and stuff to buy!" She called from the other aisle, I laughed and shook my head. She'd always been a fancy pants, "That's cool, don't spend so much though! We should give some back to Ms. P" I called back, I could almost hear her nodding. "What type of music should I pick, huh?" I asked her, "Maybe.. I dunno, I never liked music. You do." She contemplated, "Guess so.." I shrugged.
In the end I picked: Titanium, Don't you worry child, A thousand years and a few other songs. I paid for them and raced back to Ms. P, she was now sitting down at a nearby bench with Jemma next to her, "Ah, there you are Ms. Holloway! Had a good shop? Must not waste time. We're almost late!" She stood up and started hobbling over to me, "Sorry Miss! I didn't know I took that long! Oh and, here." I gave her the excess money and smiled, Jemma stood up and walked over to us. "All set? Let's go." Jemma said and started going to our line for the flight. We bounced up and down nervously, "Say goodbye to Australia." Ms. Peregrine said softly, "Bye, we'll miss you!" Jemma said as we boarded the plane, I gave my silent goodbye to the only word I've known.

A/N: Okay, kind of long chapter.. Will do more. Bye. See you next time!

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