Chapter 28, Their Problem and Us

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Disclaimer: I do not own D Gray Man.

Chapter 28, Their Problem & Us

That evening after Allen left, Lenalee sat still in the living room, slightly in daze. It was only after her shoulders throbbed in pain, did she finally snap back to the reality.

'Ah...I have to clean up the mess...' was her first thought when she stood up and remembered the ruckus that Ran had caused. Staggeringly, she made her way to the kitchen. Once she opened the door, she was first greeted by the broken plates and cups on the ground with tea spilling all over the place.

'Should I start cleaning here first?' she thought nonchalantly. She wanted to do anything she could to make her forget whatever has happened on that day... she wanted to ignore neglect it...that throbbing pain in her chest which was more unbearable than her injuries.

Trying her best to remain ignorant, she walked up to the bathroom. It was even more messier than the kitchen from her point of view. The scissors that was used to stab her still laid beside the bath tub with few bloods on them. Alongside the sharp tool was her ruined hair which was still soaked with water.

She glanced at the shower when she heard water dripping. 'Allen must have turned it off...' She stepped inside. 'I supposed I should start from here...' She quickly began to clean everything up, making sure not to leave even a small blood stain remained. She had to hurry because Karin and Ran could return anytime soon...


The next day

Lenalee was standing in front of the door nervously. She gulped. 'Surely, he's gonna question me about this...' she thought with a sigh.

'What a pain...Let's just get over with this.' She huffed, rubbing her temple. There was no point running away. Komui would still ask her to come again if she'd left. Bracing herself for whatever her brother was going to say or ask, she knocked on the door. "Komui-Sensei, are you there?"

A response from the other side of the door came. "Come on in." She opened the door and entered inside. She spotted her brother, standing behind his desk with his hands behind his back. He was staring worryingly at her.

She made her way in front of his desk and asked. "Did you need something, Komui-Sensei?"

"Lenalee... would you like to take a seat first?" asked the male Lee; pointing at the seat beside the teal-haired.

Lenalee shook her head. "Thank you, but I'm fine with standing." She replied. "Sensei, did you have something you want to say? If not, I would like to leave." She clenched her fist slightly. "I don't want to be late for my next class." She wanted to hurry up and get out of the room.

Komui sighed and fixed his glasses. "If you say so..." He murmured. He was feeling uneasy at the time...very much uneasy and worried. It was so obvious that Lenalee could see it on his face. She knew what was going to come.

He coughed slightly. "Well then, Lenalee, I have several questions I want to ask you and I would appreciate if you would answer them honestly." He told her. She flinched. Honestly. Like he could make her do that. He would never force her to do anything she wasn't willing to. "I'll try my best." She replied. "But, I can't say I will answer every question more than necessary." She told him.

Komui frowned. "I need to know the truth, Lenalee. What happened to your hair?" He asked. "And how did you get that scratch on your cheek? And your shoulder, too."

The teal-haired's eyes widened in shock. How did he know? She was sure that she hid it very well. Not even her classmates knew...excluding Allen. Komui stared intensely at her with narrowed eyes. "You might be able to fool your classmates, but you can't fool me, Lena. We're brother and sister. Of course, I'd know that something is wrong with you." He told her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2020 ⏰

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