The two Great Loves: Suga Ch:1 Around the Corner

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It was my frist day as a Junior and I wasn't excited, but I wasn't sad. It was just like any other day, just that we're Juniors now. I had already gone to school the day before to get my locker and combination, lunch code, and settle everything into my locker plus the magnets and pictures on the inside if my locker door. Since I already had everything set, and I usually am the frist student at school, I decided I would head to the music room to read some books in peace since none of the other kids will go there.

Ok... what I actually meant by read some books is that I wanted to work on some of the songs I was working on, and just think of some dance moves that I could put together.

I took out my music sheets, a pencil, and a book so I could work on it while I was walking. As I drew closer to the music room, I could hear the piano playing. Where am I suppose to go now?!

Wait! The corner I usually sit in, you can't see it because of all the broken equipment that's supposed to get "fixed" one day is in the way. And then I imagined the paino and the room. If the person is playing it, their back should be to me, so if I walk quietly, plus the paino sound, the player shouldn't know I'm there! Alright!

Don't get me wrong or think I'm some girl that doesn't want to talk to people. I enjoy talking to people, it's just that they don't really like me and they pick on me, so I just try to stay out of their way. It's just easier that way.

As I started to walk down the hallway that had the shelves for the instruments and folders. The hallway that lead down to the music room.

When the instruments weren't all put away and the doors to the hallway and band room were open, it looked like... just something you can't describe if you have a love for music. The cases lying around and about, music sheets lying around on the table and peeking out of folders. With the doors opened, it's like the corridor to the one place you can feel no worries, and when playing or singing, everything melts away.

Gh! I shook my head. Stop being so emotional, you just need to get past whoever it is, and than you'll be fine!

I started to tip toe down the hallway and once I got to the end of the hallway, I leaned against the wall and and peered over the corner, some boy was there playing the paino. He had blonde hair and white skin. I couldn't see his face.

I clutched my book, papers, and pencil against my chest as I started to tip toe into the room. If he turned around, he'd see me. I just have to keep tip toeing and I'll make. I finally made it to my corner and sat down. It was actually peaceful and helped me concrete on working, and I was working better. I should do this everyday! But... would that be weird? He wouldn't even know I was in here, and I can't sneak in here every day. He's bound to notice one day, right? I'll think about it more later, right now I should work.

I leaned against the wall and slowly slid down careful not to make a noise. I then fully fully got to work.


It's 7:45. School starts at 8:15 so I have... half an hour until class starts. I actually got a lot down surprisingly! The guy stopped playing and I peeked at him through the the jumble mumbled of broken instruments. He grabbed his paino music and stuffed it into his backpack. A nametag! What is his name? Min... was all I got before he swept it up and one strap on his shoulder as he left. But the name tag spun in a circle as he left.

Not wanting to forget it, I quickly took out a notebook and wrote it down on the second page. The name was cool but cute.

That guy was really good at the paino for only being in high school, no matter his grade. But that's expected from some one having a cool name.

Your very cool Min Yoongi.

Later (again) 8:10

I walked to class holding my notebook and books to my chest as I entered the class. While walking there, I has started to think that the name Min Yoongi seemed familiar. But I've never seen this guy until today and don't know any else with that name.

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