The Box

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“Daaddyy!!” Lizzy screamed, jumping up from the couch next to me and shooting over to the front door where Luke was stepping through it.

His face lit up like stars in the night sky.

“Oh my goodness!! Lizzy, my beautiful baby!!!” He smiled and snatched her up when she ran into his arms. I didn’t move from my spot. He looked at me and butterflies erupted inside my stomach… Oh my god… His sparkling blue eyes looked delicious from where I sat. He looked angry for a moment and then turned his attention back to Lizzy.

“Mommy, why aren’t you coming to hug daddy??” Lizzy asked me and I smiled and looked down.

“I will later, LizzyBear. I’m watching a show right now.” I said, looking back toward the tv.

“Hey, Lizzy. What time is it? Isn’t it your bedtime?” Luke asked her and she clearly blushed.

“Yes, Daddy.” She said and kissed him on the cheek before running over to me.

“Mooommy.” She said. I smiled and kissed my little girl on the head.

“Aww, baby girl I love you.” I told her and she kissed my cheek. Luke had retreated to the bedroom and I picked up my little 4-year-old. I tucked her into bed and turned off the light.

I slowly walked back to the living room, being cautious to see if Luke was sitting there. I saw the back of his head and turned to escape to our room….was it our room anymore?

I closed the door behind me and turned on the light. The clock read 10:38 p.m. Luke’s stuff was on the floor. I looked at the closet that held only my clothes now since Luke was away for almost a year . Only my shoes lined the bottom of the closet. I walked over to the box at the top of the closet. It was our memory box…

I reached up to get it down. My hands shaking moderately, knowing that once I was reminded of all the things I loved about Luke, I would start to cry…

I set it on the bed and kneeled down to open it.

The lid came off with a popping sound as I set it next to me, on the floor. I picked up the first thing I saw which was a small velvet box… The box that held my engagement ring. My wedding ring replaced it now so I put the engagement ring back in its box for keepsake. I still remember when Luke asked me to marry him… That is a story for another time though :)

The next thing was a small picture of us as teenagers, when I first met him. I was 16 and he was about to turn 18. I remember I asked him for a selfie and he of course said yes, but this picture held so much more meaning than a stupid self portrait. Right before I took the picture, we ended up kissing… It was on accident but we turned our heads to look at each other at the same time and I happened to be close enough and tall enough for him to reach. I pressed the capture button at the same time our lips met. It was really a beautiful picture…

The next thing was a little plastic rose flower. He gave this small thing to me on our first date. I thought it was the sweetest thing anyone had ever given to me.

I heard the door open and I looked up to see his alluring face that held a sulking expression. He knew I was upset. I mean, by this time, it was pretty obvious because I started crying.

“Luke…” I croaked out and started sobbing uncontrollably. He engulfed me in a hug and held me tight to his chest.

“I love you Willow, so much.” He whispered to me quietly and his chest shook lightly.

He was crying.

I looked up and his eyes were red and puffy. He had been crying for a while.

“Luke...I want a divorce.”


SO! This is my first real Luke Hemmings story. I'm not entirely sure where I'm going with it or how far so just read and enjoy!

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