13. Splitz

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WARNING, this chapter may create emotional instability. Viewers are asked if there is a need to skip, please do so.

Raine Delbert strunted her body down the hall of her least favorite place, high school. She was a honor roll student with a bright future. Her biggest support team was her father, younger brother, and her bestfriend, Naiylah Rhodes. She lived a structure lifestyle, but no teenager is fully innocent or perfect.

Naiylah was the oldest out of the two 15 year olds, and she always dragged Raine wherever she went. Naiylah was the life of the party, however, Raine was not. Both of them were opposites, but they attracted very well. They were loyal to each other no matter what. Although, one was more careful than the other.

Raine met Naiylah in their brand new homeroom class. The two could never separate from each other, not even during classes.

"Raineee!" Naiylah yelled.

"NaiNaiii!" Raine yelled.

The two squealed and hugged for joy like years had passed since they seen each other face.

"Gurl sit down, we already got a party to plan for." Nai smirked.

Raine smiled turned upside down. She hated parties. The last party she attended was shot up, and she met the person who later snatch her virginity. Parties never turned out for Raine. She refused to go.

"I'm not going."

"Of course you are. You will be with me. I need you there." Nai frowned.

"I'm not going. So do not ask."

Raine eyes rolled to the back of her head. She had no time for her life being snatched over a stupid party.

"Alright Raine." Nai huffed.

Naiylah felt anger in her chest. She felt as though Raine was not being her friend. She would get Raine to that party one way or another.

Music blasted from a big house full of teenagers. Trap music, smoke, and horny teenagers filled the place. It was your average house party. Naiylah dragged Raine through millions of bodies. Raine had been tricked, and Naiylah got her way once again.

"Naiylah, I'm ready to leave now!"

Raine had a huge bad feeling about the party. It was not safe here, and she did not want to end up on the news. Naiylah did not care. She wanted the party life.

"Shut up and let's go. Demarcus awaits us with his friend." Naiylah geeked.

Raine was dragged up the steps as the feeling got deeper and deeper. She wanted to leave at this moment. Naiylah never listened. The door was pushed open to be caught be the eyes of Demarcus and a friend of his.

"Come on." Naiylah demanded.

The two walked in the room as the door shut closed. Raine knew she needed to get out of this situation quickly. Something was not right about this meeting.

Minutes into the private session, Naiylah was getting back pounded by Demarcus in the bathroom. She was left alone with his friend. He made her uncomfortable, and gave her a bad feeling.

"What's your name?" Raine asked.

"Kelon." He smirked.


Kelon knew he made her nervous. He knew that eventually she would try to leave. Sadly, neither are leaving tonight. It's their way or no way. Welcome to their territory.

"Can you tell Lala I am downstairs? I got to go." Raine said standing up.

Kelon yanked her down cause small panic in Raine chest. She needed to get out of here quick.

"RAINE HELP ME!" Nai cried.

Raine ran towards the bathroom door trying to unlock it. Her friend was in trouble, and she knew it was a bad idea from the start. There was no way in hell they were getting tortured tonight.

"Open the door!" Raine yelled.

Kelon snuck up behind Raine smashing a knife into her back. Raine began gasping for air while losing her grip on the knob. She let go as the knife was pulled out. Instant death. She had no chance. She died senselessly saving her friend.

"It's done!" Kelon yelled.

Naiylah walked out of the bathroom smirking while stepping over Raine body. She was not hurt at all. She knew about this plan all along. Nobody tells her no. There is always a price to pay.

"Now i'm the pretty one." Naiylah smirked.

Raine lost her life for a fake friend. It was the end of her life at 15 going on 16. She no longer suffered this world with her family, she was floating on air. Naiylah got her wish, but she was not leaving the room the same person. Both spirits are gone. Kelon was right. Their way or no way. Peer pressure is a motherfucker, and so is losing a bestfriend to jealousy.

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