Chapter 3: More Michael Jackson

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Chapter 3: More Michael Jackson

     Fiona's P.O.V.

      Marcus saw me. I wasn't looking back. I felt shy and sheepish.. I didn't know what I'm going to say if he talked to me.

"Hi, Fiona," he said casually.

"Oh.. Um.. Hello.." I replied. I just can't look at his face, after spying on him.

"I heard you were going to move. I'm gonna miss you!" 'He's gonna miss me? Is that what I heard?' While I was thinking about it, somebody screamed.

"OMG!!! Michael Jackson's gonna be here in New Jersey State!!" It was Joana.

"Wow! That's great! What part of New Jersey (State)?"

"I don't know. I just heard it from the people talking there." Why is everybody making a big deal about this Michael Jackson? He can't be that popular since I don't know him. A foreign-exchange student passed by and talked to Joana. He was also talking about Michael Jackson! Then he must be worldwide famous. I wonder why I don't know him.

"Radios! Stereos! Anywhere you go!" Joana suddenly exclaimed.

      All of a sudden, while still standing there, Marcus walked up to me. I was partly blushing. I could feel it.

"Hey, wanna come over my house tonight?", he asked. I was just shocked, and nodded. On the way home, I saw street children. Even they were talking about Michael Jackson! What the heck?! Am I even part of this world?!

      Nina was home early, and I saw her holding something.. long. It's some kind of paper. I took a closer look, and it was a Michael Jackson poster.

"Nina, you only knew 'Michael Jackson' since yesterday, and now you're in love with him?!"

"Yes! I love him soooo much! He's just too cute!" Then she kissed the poster. I just smiled and turned the T.V. on. Another Michael Jackson special! Would you believe that?! I just listened to the songs anyway. He was a great singer and dancer. He was an entertainer. His dance moves were so fluid. He dances with body language if you look closely.

"Nina?" I called.

"Yes?" she replied, still hugging the poster.

"How did you get the money to buy that? Mom never gives you allowance."

"And she won't give me until next year!"

"So.. The poster?"

"Oh yeah! My friends gave it to me. They said it was their goodbye gift to me."

"How'd they know you like Michael Jackson?" I curiously asked.

"I talked and asked questions about him."

"Then you are REALLY OBSESSED!"

"I know! I'm proud of it!"

"Who can be obsessed at a person just by seeing him on T.V. one day?!"

"Me!" Nina answered, cheerfully.

      Then I noticed, it was almost time to go to Marcus's house. I took a shower, dressed up and walked to his house. I was there by 10 minutes. Marcus, wearing a white shirt and blue jeans, smiled at me and welcomed me to his house.

      Just as I went it, I saw Michael Jackson posters plastered all over. I just smiled. When he turned the T.V. on, the Michael Jackson Special was still there. He just snickered and told me to sit with him. I slightly blushed and accepted his offer. "My favorite MJ song are 'Billie Jean,' 'Thriller,' and 'Beat It.' It has some pretty catchy tune that won't get out of my head." I smiled again, but this time, it was really a big smile! We enjoyed the night just by watching that special.

Michael's P.O.V.

"Are you gonna pack your stuff yet, Mike?"

"Nah! Maybe later."

"If you say so, Mike." He said, carrying me and putting me over his shoulder.

"HAHAHAHA!!" I laughed uncontrollably. "Frank!! Put me down!!"

"Rich! Garry! C'mere and help me!"

"What?! They're in this, too?!" I laughed.

Frank threw me on my bed and wrapped me with a blanket. Richard and Garry were just there, standing and smiling evilly on me.

"What are you planning, Frank?"

"THIS!" he tickled me on my waist and my feet! I always had been ticklish!

"NO!! Frank!! Stop!!! HELP!!!" I shouted in between laughter.

"I told you, I'll get my payback!" He said, sneering and laughing.

"All right! All right! You win, Frank! Get me out of here!!!" I yelped.

"No way, Mike! I don't stop 'til I get enough!"

"Stop using my songs as your lines and unwrap me!!" I shouted, still laughing.

"Fine! Rich! Garry! Help me!"

They unwrapped me and I felt freedom.

"Finally!" I said while giggling.

"I'm not done with you, Mike!" he said, chuckling.

"Hah! Not if I get to prank you first!"

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