Chapter 27: Fiona Sings

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Chapter 27: Fiona Sings

"By the way, have you heard the lady who screamed 'Take it all off, Michael'? It's cute, okay, but it's also embarrassing!" Michael stated.

"That was me." Fiona then started laughing.

"You?" He asked, really shocked of her answer.

"You don't believe me?"

"I can't believe you did that! I can't even believe you could do that!"

"It was a challenge, and well, I can't believe you said that you removed your shades for 'the girl in the balcony,' like seriously!"

"Didn't you LOVE the dedication?"

"No, it's kind of embarrassing because everybody looked up at the balcony when you said that!"

"But they didn't recognize you anyway!"

"True, but... Still."

"We're both even. I embarrass you, you embarrass me."

"Well, whatever. Just.. you know... Sing! I wanna hear your angelic voice!"

"I don't think my voice is 'angelic' though. Do you think that way?"

"Of course I do! Your voice is just so beautiful, and you know... I love your voice." Fiona smiled, and Michael blushed at her comment.

"Well, thank you... I mean, yeah. Thanks."

"What are you even shy about? It's true, you know."

"Well, I believe God gave me this blessing."


"We Are The World

We Are The Children

We Are The Ones

Who'll Make A Brighter Day

So Let's Start Giving... How was that?" Michael asked as he finished singing his part.

"That was so beautiful, like oh my God. The lyrics of the song goes very, very well with your magnificient voice! I love it! And you're not singing this for the profit or awards, but for Africa. You are just so loving, thoughtful, caring... I love it! No, I love YOU! That's what I love about you. You have a great sense of humor and a warm, loving heart. And your beautiful face!" Michael blushed again because her statement.

"That's very touching, really. I love you more! I love you more than I love me." He said touchingly. They gently kissed each other. Michael suddenly decided...

"Hey, why don't you try to sing? I haven't heard you sing before!"

"What?! Me? No no no! I can't sing!"

"How do you know?"

"I.. Just know. I don't like to sing." Fiona stated, which of course, Michael contradicted.

"Don't like to sing? That's a lie, Fiona, and you know it. Everybody likes to sing, and if not LIKE, then LOVE."

"Well, I'm different!" She shook her hands in the air.

"C'mon. That's impossible. Tell me why you don't want to sing. I just wanna know." He demanded, and she sighed.

"Well... I was in the 6th grade when I tried to join the school choir. I sang my heart out, but you know... My voice didn't really sound well, and people around me started to laugh. Since then, I haven't sang. Well.. Maybe I sing sometimes in the shower, but I never sing when there's people around, but I sometimes sing to my little sister anyway, when she can't sleep." She fought back the tears in her eyes. The painful memory of why she doesn't sing. Why she was never updated in songs. She doesn't care.

"You won't know until you try. Let the past go and try again."

"I can't. I'm too embarrassed. I'm sorry, but I just can't do it..." Michael then realized asking for her to sing was a very painful moment for her, but he was not giving up. He had a plan on how to hear her voice.

"Okay... Let's just go home, okay. I know you're sad right now, so how about... I make you some hot chocolate when we reach home? How does that sound?" He chuckled.

"I would love that!" Her face suddenly lit up. Michael giggled because he knew she loves chocolate.


     Michael's P.O.V.

"You know the plan?"


"Let's go over it again." I suggested to make sure she clearly understood me.

"I'll pretend that I can't sleep, so Fiona will sing to me. Then I'll record her voice in this taperecorder." Nina answered.

"You sneaky, little kid. I knew you could help me."

"Glad to help out!" She giggled. We then heard Fiona coming up the stairs. I kissed Nina good night, but I know she's not going to sleep yet.

"What were you doing in our room?" She asked.

"Just... kissed Nina good night," I answered, which is a half lie - half truth answer.

"She's asleep?"

"Maybe. Well, see you tomorrow!" I went to my room, but I was spying on her as she went to her room.

     Fiona's P.O.V.

         What's with Michael? He's acting really strange. I went in our room, and to my surprise, Nina is still wide awake.

"Fiona.. I can't sleep! I'm sleepy, but I can't sleep!" She bawled. I comforted her.

"What do you want me to do to help you?"

"Please please pretty please sing??" I looked in her pleading green eyes. She really wants me to sing so, oh well.

"All right..." So, what should I sing? I know! The "We Are The World" chorus!

"We Are The World

We Are The Children

We Are The Ones

Who'll Make A Brighter Day

So Let's Start Giving" Little did I know she already fell asleep. I kissed her good night, and went to sleep myself.

*Next day*

     Fiona's P.O.V.

         I woke up early in the morning, but I discovered Nina woke up earlier than me. She was out of bed. I looked out the window to see Michael and Nina playing and running around the ranch. That's a very pleasant sight. I dressed up, went down, and made breakfast for both of them. They finally were done playing. They smiled at me, and that was actually creepy.

"Hey, breakfast! I'm starving!" Nina said.

"Me too. So, how was your night, Fiona?" Michael asked me.

"Fine. And may I ask why your smiling at me? It's creeping me out."

"Here! Listen to this!" Nina gave me a tape recorder. I looked at her suspiciously. "Play it." She insisted. I played it to here my voice in the tape recorder! This kid is growing up sneakier and sneakier.

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