Christmas Fever

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Act Two

Chapter Seven:

The next morning David and I planned what we were going to do for Christmas. He was having his family over for tea and I was going to join them.

"Should I get them presents?" I asked sitting up on the kitchen bench. Macy and I loved to have conversations on the kitchen bench snacking on chocolate and gossiping. We looked like a scene out of a film with the sunlight filtering perfectly to light up our faces. I grabbed my camera and quickly took a picture of David leaning against the bench.

"No you don't have to." He flicked his hair away from his face candidly as I took the photo. "What are you doing?" He asked smiling. I snapped another picture that wasn't so serious.

"Ok, I'll get you a present though. I would feel bad otherwise. And I'm taking your photo, you looked so picturesque and enjoy taking photos," I told him smiling back.

"I'll get you one too, though you don't have to. Can you show me some of your photos?" I hopped off the bench and skipped over to him. Giving him the camera I lent against his shoulder and gazed at the photos. He smiled as he clicked through images of him, Macy and random pieces of scenery from the neighbouring park and streets.

"You are really good, if you were thinking about doing this professionally I have a friend who runs an art gallery and she said she needed a photo exhibition for sometime late next year, Maeve Whitehall is her name."

"Oh my god, you know Maeve Whitehall? And you could get my work in her gallery? You are the best ever!" I screamed jumping up and down before wrapping him in a bone crushing hug. Maeve was one of the most famous artists in modern day art and if she liked your work you were instantly shot into fame. I had loved her work for years and dragged Macy to every exhibition, even the ones in France. Our hug lasted longer than what would be normal and I stepped back gently to see David gazing at me. I tilted my head up slightly as he brushed his lips against mine before enveloping me in a deep kiss. I kissed him back softly feeling content in the feel of his arms around me. David pulled away smiling at me.

"I'll give her a call, you can go get packed. You're staying at my place for Christmas."

I ran upstairs and pulled out my TARDIS themed suitcase. Yes I know that's a bit sad but I loved it, and it's not like David would judge me for it. I piled in a collection of clothes and items that I would need including my laptop and camera equipment. I flopped back onto my bed a stared up at my photo collection. I smiled before jumping up and realising I was missing someone. I grabbed my camera and plugged it into my printer before printing off one photo. I jumped back up on my bed and placed the picture of David over the top of my black abyss. I fell down into a sitting position on my bed and gazed around my small bedroom. Though it was mostly plain and boring unlike my room from my parents house which was crazy colourful and heavily decorated like one's room should be. This room was home, with its navy blue feature wall that was decorated with my poster collection and had my desk resting against it. I decided to flick on my fairy lights that were draped over my bookshelf, which created a soft eerie glow. David came back in to find me lying on the bed staring into space.

"Are you alright?" He asked laying down next to me. I snuggled up closer and made a noncommittal noise.

"What's wrong?" He asked running his fingers through my long brown hair.

"What if your parents don't like me?"

"They are going to love you, trust me."

"I'm not sure, I have a particular skill for pissing off parents," I replied sighing. My mother had disowned me when I was 24, because I moved to the other side of the world to become an actress and gave up on graduating university with a degree in psychology. My dad had also stopped talking to me as he had no idea how to work Skype and never called. I guessed my Mother had told him to stop talking to me.

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