Chapter EIGHT

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"Hey Jinah," The familiar guy said.

Oh my gosh! How does he know me?! Wait! Since this is Dae Ho's house, that should be Dae Ho right?

"Ermmm, Dae Ho?" I looked at him questioningly.

"Oh man! Why do you people have to mix us up? I bet you have forgotten me anyways," He replied sadly.

"Sorry, but who are you?" I stared at him.

"I'm Hae Dong! Remember? Does that name ring a bell?" He asked me.

Hae Dong...Hae Dong... Do I know him? He looked familiar. Like someone I saw when I was small. When I was playing with Dae Ho. When..  AH! I KNOW! It's Dae Ho's cousin!

"Oh my gosh?! HAE DONG? DONKEY?!" I exclaimed in excitement.

I called him Donkey because it's his  nickname that I created for him.

"Yeah. The one and only," He grinned at me as he proceeded onto giving me a bear hug.

"You look hot," I winked at him as he smirked at me.

"By the way, what are you doing here?!" I questioned him as he brought me into the house.

"I'm having a vacation. School holidays for a month. Why are you here?" He asked.

"Oh! Mom wanted to pass these to you guys," I pointed at the basket that I brought as I made my way to the kitchen.

I placed the basket on the dining table and took out all the food in it. As I was setting the table, I heard someone coming into the kitchen. Of course I knew it was Dae Ho. I didn't bother to look at him. I just continue with my work.

"JiJi?! Why are you here?" Dae Ho asked in shock.

As I looked up to answer him, my tongue got tied. He was not wearing any glasses, his hair was sexily messy and he was half-naked, with yummy delicious eight abs.

I was straight staring at him.

"Close your mouth Oh Jinah. Or else you'll catch flies," Hae Dong said teasingly which I ignored.

"And don't eye rape my cousin you prevy," Hae Dong whacked my head lightly and I instantly took my eyes away from Dae Ho who was blushing madly.

"Erm...I'm gonna wear a shirt now," He quickly left the kitchen, running to his room and slammed the door.

"Do you like him?" Hae Dong asked me as he smirked.

"No!" I answered immediately.

He just shot me the I-don't-believe-you look.

Soon, Dae Ho joined us, unfortunately with a shirt on. I mean I wouldn't mind looking at it once more.

Hae Dong and Dae Ho began eating the food that my mom cooked. I made my way to the living room and switched on the television before sitting comfortably on the L-shaped sofa. I began flipping the channels and found nothing that I could watch. So, I just fell asleep on the sofa.


"Ouuuuuuuuch," I cried out loud as My body made contact with the wooden floor which made me shot up from my sleep.

"Way to get up from bed Jinah," I muttered to myself sleepily. 

I also just realised that I was in Dae Ho's bedroom.

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