chapter 1

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Calm. Keep calm.

I repeated that sentence to myself as I weaved my way through the crowd of people, my heart hammering in my chest, my phone vibrating so much in my back pocket that my butt was beginning to feel numb. I contemplated reaching into my pocket and turning it off completely, but I knew it was in my better interest to keep it on in case I needed to text one of my brother's to come rescue me.

I gritted my teeth, my fingers running over the top edge of my phone, my resolve strengthening. I shouldn't have to have my older brothers come sweeping in and rescue me, especially when this was what I wanted.

One night out. That was all I desired, and somehow, it had lead me somewhere I never thought I would ever be, and yet, as anxiety filtered through my body, excitement did too.

The revs of engines reverberated through my bones, the lingering scent of exhaust drifted through my nostrils, and laughter and voices overwhelmed me, giving me heart palpitations. My brother would kill me if they knew, my mom would definitely kill me if she knew, my dad would shake me silly. Yet, somehow, the knowledge of the fact that my family would have my head made it all the more exhilarating.

A body collided with my own and I tumbled to the ground, my hip scraping against the concrete as my shirt rode up. I winced and began to push myself up into a sitting position, but before I could, a hand was shoved into my face. I flinched away on instinct but then let out a slow sigh, accepting the hand.

The hand was connected to a rather sweet looking girl. She had brown hair cut into a pixie cut, a friendly smile, and doe brown eyes. She released my hand almost as soon as I stood, mostly because I wrenched my hand away the moment I was steady on my feet. The action didn't seem to dim her mood one bit, or turn her attitude towards me sour.

"Hi," she exclaimed, just as friendly as her smile.

"Hello..." I replied, though somewhat hesitantly, one hand utilized to press a finger against my bottom lip, the other being used to brush my fingers against my phone again. The phone was my safety line, the one thing anchoring me down to who I really was. No one here knew me, and that was relieving while somewhat disconcerting as well.

"You're new," the friendly girl announced, motioning with her hand for me to follow her as she began to weave her way through the tons of people. "I've never seen you at the races. Is this your first time?"

I pressed harder at my bottom lip. "Yes..."

"Oh! How exciting!" The girl exclaimed, shooting a grin over her shoulder at me. "What's your name, newbie?"

"Uh... Sang..." I told her, honestly.

"Nice to meet you, Sang," said the girl. "I'm Karen. Are you alone here?"

I nodded then realized she couldn't see me, so I quietly said, "Yes. I'm alone."

Karen gripped my wrist loosely, pulling me off to the side on the grass, where several cars were parked and it was less packed. Once she had me placed, she released my wrist, and a slight smile overcame my face, admiring the fact that she took notice of how I was too nervous to be touched currently. Karen turned to me, a frown on her face.

"Sang," she said, her voice soft. "A girl like you shouldn't be out here on your own. I would really appreciate it if you stuck by my side tonight."

My phone vibrated again and I winced slightly. "Okay... I guess I could stay with you."

"Good!" Karen's face brightened once again. "Oh look! The race's are beginning!"

I turned to face the road, as did Karen. Two cars were lining up at what looked to be a makeshift starting line. The car closest to our side was hot shot red, and looked to be a Chevy Chevelle. My mouth watered at the sight of it and momentarily I had the urge to run my hands all over it. Next to it was an obsidian black 1973 Camaro. It was mouth watering, as well.

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